WOW, it has been a whole lotta years since I have been in a bar at closing time.
Me too! That's why I'm asking!
Do you want to expand on that? ?
@Rob1948 I spent 6 years in the Army, I was young, far away from home, and a female in a ocean of young males. Friday and Saturday night we'd regularly be at a bar, and I closed them more than once. I also have a few nights that I blacked out, I have no idea how I got back to my barracks. It was the late 70s. Yes, I was young and stupid. I got married and out of the Army in 82 so I'm guessing the last time I closed a bar was 1981. 30ish plus years later and post divorce I have limited tolerance for alcohol, one drink and I'm asleep. I haven't been in a bar in years.
@HippieChick58 thank you for sharing. You got back to your barracks because of friends, I’m willing to bet.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Mini me
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...That time of the year
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness...Tech Support!
Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness...Hey, it's my turn!!!
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by LaurenI thought this was an accurate representation of how we feel every time we remember our last cat, which happens often when my daughter and I laugh over our current cat's antics.
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Got ya!!!
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Turkey day cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness