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Is there any truth to this ladies?

MojoDave 9 Mar 26
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Sometimes it is. Hahahaha

IAmLove Level 7 Mar 27, 2019

I always sat at the bar and made friends with the bartender. I would tell him/her to ask me if I wanted the drink first because the guy always follows the drink! Saved me a bit of hassle.

Hathacat Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

Wouldn't know , I don't hang out in bars .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

Smart kittens carry mace and travel with friends.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

Can't say I've ever experienced that. But wouldn't doubt that it happens. ?

BeeHappy Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

WOW, it has been a whole lotta years since I have been in a bar at closing time.

Me too! That's why I'm asking!

Do you want to expand on that? ?

@Rob1948 I spent 6 years in the Army, I was young, far away from home, and a female in a ocean of young males. Friday and Saturday night we'd regularly be at a bar, and I closed them more than once. I also have a few nights that I blacked out, I have no idea how I got back to my barracks. It was the late 70s. Yes, I was young and stupid. I got married and out of the Army in 82 so I'm guessing the last time I closed a bar was 1981. 30ish plus years later and post divorce I have limited tolerance for alcohol, one drink and I'm asleep. I haven't been in a bar in years.

@HippieChick58 thank you for sharing. You got back to your barracks because of friends, I’m willing to bet.

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