9 7

The boy cat "Jamgo" comes to get me and leads me to his dish of friskies (crunchies) all the time. When we get there, Ipet him and he starts eating. I was annoyed that he coudl coem get me just to watch him eat. i started runnign several thought through my mind of why does he do this? Do the friskies somehow taste better when someone is watching him? Is it that about once a week the risky dish is empty, and he leads me there just in case the dish needs to be refilled? Finally, it occurred to me that perhaps he is inviting me to eat with him and it is just another way of his letting me know that he loves me.

Anyway, rather than continue to be annoyed by his interrupting me from what I am doing to watch him eat, I am choosing the believe the last explanation...and so I don't find it to be all that annoying anymore.

snytiger6 9 Apr 5
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I like your reasoning.


I have 11 cats in my house right now (all rescues) and two of them absolutely want me to stare at them and pet them while they are eating. When I stop... They complain.

TPuglia Level 4 Apr 6, 2019

When you said 11 cats the firs thing I did was check where you lived just to see if you weren't comedian Paula Poundstone (she lives in Santa Monica CA).

Anyway, technically they are my sister's cats. This is the second cat she had that wants to be watched while it eats.

The boy cat was a rescue. One of our cousins who lives in Roseville, CA (near Sacramento), had a realtor friend who showed a house and found a cat abandoned inside.. She took it to my cousin who is a cat person. So my cousin's husband said she had enough cats, so she put a photo up on Facebook hoping to find a home for him. My sister saw it, and one of her cats had just died. She said if it wasn't so far away she'd take him (we live in Gattle Ground WA, which is just North of Vancouver). As jt happened my cousin's daughter was flying into Seatac (the Seattle/Tacoma area Airport), and so my sister drove up to pick him up there.

When he first arrived we thought he must have been abused because he'd duck away if you reached otu to him too quickly. He hs gotten over that though.


Perhaps he's very polite and is asking your permission ?

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 5, 2019

LOL... I don't htink he'd be getting me out o fbed to lead me to the frisky dish to ask permission to eat.

It is more likley he tries to share the friskies in the hope that I will share with him when I eat....


My very first fur baby, Murphy, liked to have someone watch her eat. She would even invite visitors to join her. Friends were so perplexed ... she'd paw at them until they followed her to her food bowl and then she'd settle in and start eating. I never knew exactly what that was about, but it was an endearing part of her personality.

GinaKay Level 7 Apr 5, 2019

Jango is the secodn cat who does this. It isn't a unique behavior.


Pictures please!

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 5, 2019

He is the whiter one.

Hy doesn't like his picture taken as much s the girl cat does.


I think he feels safer. It’s like you’re watching for predators while his head is down eating.

My tuxedo walks me to the dripping sink and talks to me to make sure I’ll stay with him while he drinks.

Sydland Level 7 Apr 5, 2019

I had one that would wait until I went outside with him to take a dump and would maintain eye contact, it was kind of disconcerting at first.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 5, 2019

I always have time for my kitties.


That's beautiful.
I like your explanation.

scurry Level 9 Apr 5, 2019
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