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Trap Spay/neuter Release. The only effective manner by which to reduce the feral cat population. Migratory birds are adversely affected by this adept predator & these birds are under pressure from habitat loss. My cats all wear collars with highly visible orange tape & numerous bells. As I live in a rural area, my cats are not under threat by cat hating humans as found in an urban setting. One male cat loose on the property keeps other cats away until I can catch neuter then release or keep confined. I live to neuter & had 16 in the garage at one point in my life. Now that old man Budzec across the road has passed on, his ever breeding cats no longer venture into my property to hunt or visit. I am currently down to 2. Zoot Suit & Pachuco appeared one day 2 months after Pink-Champagne -Tula-Came-To-Stay passed. They both just appeared under my bird feeder. Pachuco had the clipped ear indicating trap/neuter/release by someone else. They are both fabulous cats who get along with my parrot & no longer entertain my bird feeder. The birds know they are here & take note. Can we all get along? =0}

Mooolah 8 Mar 13
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Alley Cat Allies,, is my source of TNR. Alley Cat Allies claims the report of stress on song birds is incorrect.

I would be over joyed if Alley Cat Allies was correct on the migratory bird issue. Window crashes & light pollution probably take far more, but none the less the birds need all the help I can give them.


I had 16 ferals here at one time, after helping to trap them with a local organization many found homes, & 6, more or less depending on wanderings, live in my backyard. I have a large "hut" I put together with several smaller huts & beds under it & the "covering" varying with season. One of the downsides is that I was able to let my indoor cats out back to play a few times a week, most of the year (I live in Phoenix), can't so that anymore. At least I did what I could & I agree, TNR is the best most humane way to try to get a handle on the feral population before there is some kind of backlash & mass "extermination" is decided on.

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 13, 2018

I had ferals living at my old house. I did TNR.

I also found squirrel tails and plenty of bird carcasses. If they are hungry cats they will catch and kill wildlife.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 13, 2018

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