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My cats walk into the bathroom and watch me do my business. I wonder why they do that?

SKH78 8 Aug 7
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Bathroom attendant

Ladydiana Level 7 Aug 8, 2019

Like all children cats try to learn by watching AND WAITING 4 U TO FEED THEM


Mine do that for the pets. Had one that liked to snuggle in the clothing at my feet.

Rob1948 Level 7 Aug 7, 2019

Curiosity .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 7, 2019

So do mine.


Dogs too pack behavior

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 7, 2019

Cats love boxes , too . Boxes are safer because they help to shield a body . Cats do some things together to protect one another . They're guarding you , when you're in a vunerable position , you know , with your pants down

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 7, 2019

they like to be involved.

some of the cats i have lost used to like to sit on my lap on the toilet and look into the mirror next to the pot. their litter boxes are in the same room but i don't know whether they make the connection between what they do in there and what i do in my version thereof. there is an element of curiosity but mostly they just want to be with us!


genessa Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

I like when I had a kitten that wanted to sit in my pants. That always made me laugh. ❤.

@RavenCT lol! i had a full-grown cat who decided that i had given birth to her, and she wanted to return whence she came. that was awkward!



I never had that problem because I usually lived with other people in the house and shut the door.

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 7, 2019

I have one that will shoulder the door open as you try to shut it! The roommate was a bit surprised by that....

"Heath invited himself into the bathroom? What's that about?". Yup cats... He likes to peruse the tub while someone does the Thinker pose.


Because you left the door open?

I do not live with humans, and so I always leave the bathroom door open. The cats always walk in and observe me as I perch upon porcelain.

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