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I'd NEVER give someone a pet as a gift.

bigpawbullets 9 Dec 27
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In 2014 I made a 4000 mile move and then a 1200 mile one. That was with my last cat, the late Angel Kitty. Last year I moved 3200 miles, and Mattie came with me. It was never an option to NOT take my cat with me. It’s not that difficult to bring them along.

SkagwayKim Level 7 Dec 28, 2019

YOU!!!!! Are good Hooman.


At Kittyland, we adopted out 3 kitties on the 24th and 3 on the 26th. I hope they stay with their families forever and weren't frivilous gifts.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 28, 2019

The shelters around here will not let a military family (we are a big Navy hub) adopt animals, too many returned/abandoned.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

Back when we lived on Military bases we'd see it so often, they wouldn't take the pets along. It broke my heart. My furbabies are my children with fur. Where I live they will live. The pets my kids have are my grandbabies as much as the human babies.My kitties are their fur siblings. The dog we had when the kids were growing up was the son I never gave birth to.


They R our family...Be Fuckin' responsible for them!!!!!


Even just leaving kitty to fend for themself whilst you have a weeks holiday. Mine was with me for 22 years apart from necessary kenelling when I was in hospital. Travelling with her in the vardi was often amusing. When she was allowed to roam inside whilst I was driving she would frequently admonish trucks having the temerity to overtake on the highway.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 27, 2019

The law changed some years ago and she had to be caged whilst I was driving. Her cage sat on top of the butterbox engine cover sitting alongside me where she could be consoled and able to tell me that she needed her litter box.


When you move and can't take pet to your new home, you are morally obligated to either find them a new home or turn them in to a local shelter.


Happens too often.

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