3 14

Accurate. 😺

bigpawbullets 9 Jan 26
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So very true . I noticed a black cat in my back yard one day and thought it must be a neighbor's cat , so I tried to shoo it away . You know , "Go home kitty ." She kept showing up in the back yard and I kept trying to shoo her off . One day , I was watering the flower boxes on my side porch , and was thinking , "Gee , the birds are noisy today ." Then I realized what I was hearing wasn't birds . I opened th gate and stepped up onto the porch and discovered a litter of six tiny new born kittens under the lowest level of my black tea cart . I went into my kitchen pulled out a can of tune , drained it , and picked up a card board box , and a bath towel . I set the canned tuna in front of Momma cat , folded the flaps into the box , then folded the towel to fit the box . I set the prepared bos on the floor near Momma cat , and carefully lifted the tiny ones in while she watched intently . After the last kitten was in . Momma cat popped in with them . We had reached an arrangement . She had been hunting chamilians in the back yard to feed herself , so she could nurse her kittens . I bought tins of catfood and offered her one a day , which she approved .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 26, 2020

the next few screens would be... #7 I trust hooman, I'm gonna jump on counter and steal his food, even tho I have my own #8 I'm gonna run right in front of him and try to trip hooman, #9 I'm gonna jump on his ass when he is dead asleep, hooman never will hurt me, #10 zleep when he is up, go bat shit crazy when he is trying to sleep, #11 hooman bought me a toy, I'll play with the box instead.

I see you're a veteran cat staff.

@bigpawbullets We had around 100 cats at the farm when I was growing up. Only one indoors tho.

And zero mice in the grain bins.


Generally true...🤔

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