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If you folks want to see some really fascinating videos, log onto Utube and type in the word Messi. Messi is a cougar that a zoo in Russia sold to some guy and his wife. They have made dozens of videos of the cat, and he is incredibly tame and well trained. Except for size, he acts like a house cat. He even purrs when he's happy, which is a lot of the time. He even sleeps with the guy. I've seen one video where the guy entered him in a dog show, and there were no problems.

Spudgun 7 Feb 12
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I've posted this before.


Awesome thanks

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 12, 2020

Here's just one link. I love the one with the bathtub myself.

It's very odd to see such a big cat doing well in a home.

Note: Kitty has health problems which explains the small size of the cougar. And also possibly why it can do alright in a small apartment.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 12, 2020

Most large carnivores spend a lot of time sleeping/resting to conserve calories, once grown.


I typed it in , in facebook , and got a lot of posts about a football player .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 12, 2020

Not facebook. It's on Utube. Messi was named after a Russian Soccer (Football in Europe) player, so that's who's on Facebook. Look on Utube.

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