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I had a peeping Tom in the bathroom! 😱

Kynlei 8 Mar 12
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They probably wonder why our litter box has water!


I'm not sure what it is about bathrooms that fascinates cats, but you can't deny that for whatever reason, they almost always want to be in the bathroom. Whether you're in there or not. If Gideon gets in the bathroom when I've missed him sneaking in, the place looks like a tornado hit it a few minutes later.

Spudgun Level 7 Mar 13, 2020

A Tom cat!! 🤣😂


Yup they do that

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 13, 2020

I just let Heath in! ( It's almost always Heath).

He even fell on me in the bathtub once!

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 13, 2020

My husband and I gave up on closing the door years ago. Unless someone is over, of course. 😅

@Kynlei I once walked out of my sister's bathroom with her cat.. My BIL was in the hallway looking surprised? I simply said "Well it's his bathroom and he wanted in!" . 😁


To be owned by kitties is to never again be alone. You might be eating something they want a piece of.... or all of!


Wonder why all kitties do this ?

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 12, 2020

Just making sure the hooman is okay. That food bowl doesn't just fill itself...


Oh, shocking!

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