10 8

What color is your cat? And does it match your lifestyle and personality? I have an orange cat and a pied tuxedo-ish cat both with white socks and from the shelter. They have so much cat and non cat personality i am always amused.

chiara23k 7 Mar 16
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Orange and white, tuxie, and black. All long haired. You can find pics on my profile (cause they're family).👍

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 17, 2020

Right now, I have an orange cat, completely orange, no white anywhere. Before him, I've had an orange tabby cat with white on his face, a grey and white cat, 3 black cats, three or four tuxedo cats (but not at the same time), a black and white striped Alley cat, a Tortoiseshell, and a black and white mix. My cat collection started when I was in Jr. High School, and the only time I haven't had cats is when I was in the Navy. They're all gone now except for the orange one, who is about 2 1/2 years old. So I'll have him for another several years.

Spudgun Level 7 Mar 16, 2020

We have six at this point, one the black was feral all the others came from a vet's office or the humane society. The first is Snoopy, she is always trying to figure out what we are eating or doing on the table. She is at the Vet for her first visit after coming from the HS. Next is Tigger at the same appointment, they are a bonded pair(Snoopy and Tigger), next is Lilly, she came to live with us years ago, I use her chair to sit in most of the time. Next is Rocky, a Maine Coon mix, the gentlest cat in the world. He has since passed. Next is Mattie, a Blue Russian, I had no idea why they are called this until I saw her in direct sunlight. We think her last owner was mean to her, she is getting better at being with us. She sleeps with me. Next is Baxter, our youngest and most active, he has rearranged our home so it is now to his liking. Another picture of Lilly, all our cats are welcome on the table as it is much easier for Kate to brush them. Baxter again overlooking his territory, and Jack our feral black cat, who is also my muse, he also sleeps with me. Well that is the band so far. Jack is the oldest. He showed up at our back door during a snow storm, would not come inside or get into a box, but he survived the storm and we have fed him since then. He is now an indoor cat.


Two cats
1st cat is kind of a speckled calico, whose coast looks like a painter's drop cloth.
2nd cat is gray and white with a coat that looks kind of like flagstones.

They are my sister's cats... although they have me pretty well trained.

snytiger6 Level 9 Mar 16, 2020

One black. One tuxedo. The tuxedo almost has too much personality but he's only 17 mos old

Frctnal Level 7 Mar 16, 2020

Ii have three black Panthers.

Ladydiana Level 7 Mar 16, 2020

I'd like one in every color! I think they are really bossy little people dressed in fur.


I've lived with all makes and models and personalities of cats. Always loving, fun and interesting.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 16, 2020

My cat is Invisible but he keeps the mice away 😊


Cats are cats , but they each have their own personality . And it really doesn't take much of your time to care for them . Treat them well and they're very affectionate . They'll try to fit in with your life style .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 16, 2020
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