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Dave Allen on Cats and religion.

snytiger6 9 May 1
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Here in Phoenix, nearly all the older homes have little mini-houses with effigies to Mary (or sometimes Jesus or other random "saints" ).

I want to buy one of those homes and remodel the shrine. I'm wondering how long it would take the neighbors to notice that the resident figurine had been replaced with one of Bast in a similar size...

There may be home owner association rules regrding those mini-houses.

Before purchasing any home ask about any home owner associations and get the rules before starting escrow.

@snytiger6, most are in old Latino neighborhoods without HOAs. Those are mostly just for homes built since the '90s, the homes I'm dreaming about are from the '60s and earlier.




Dave Allen on PBS was a must. One joke about black folks got him bagged. I am still in tears. Political correctness to the extreme. & it wasn't offensive as the jokes are currently. When I heard it I said to myself......"Oh oh".

Mooolah Level 8 May 1, 2018

Watched him for years on T.V. He really took the piss out of the religion.

Coldo Level 8 May 1, 2018

Oh yes! lol

RavenCT Level 9 May 1, 2018
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