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I feel seen…

Killtheskyfairy 9 Mar 11
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I think aloofness is another strange cat myth, or else all the cats I've ever owned were anomalies because they always wanted to be with me ... in even the most private moments!

Lauren Level 8 Mar 11, 2023

I had two cats when I was married. I would go away on business, come home, and they would greet me at the door, show concern and affection. Where you been, are you okay, we missed you with body language and meows. My human family, by contrast, did not.

@Killtheskyfairy I'm sorry. They do seem to be more consistent in their affection throughout their lives than some humans are.

@Lauren I’m not sorry. Feline demonstrations of unconditional love helped me understand what was missing.

My dad, who hated cats, always said the same thing (I had three Persians at the time). I told him he was wrong, my cats always welcomed me home, just not in the over top way dogs do when you’ve been out of their sight for twenty minutes! 😁

@Barnie2years Perhaps cat haters just prefer to believe that? I agree with you, our cats have always been demonstrative, but I can understand that some have different personalities, or perhaps have been in abusive situations. My last cat was a Cornish Rex and she was over-the-top affectionate, and quite verbal about it as well.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by LaurenI thought this was an accurate representation of how we feel every time we remember our last cat, which happens often when my daughter and I laugh over our current cat's antics.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday's cat...Beautiful!

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