the war in afghanistan was as bogus as the war in iraq, no doubt about it, but the author's calling the washington post a lapdog is a bit transparent, since his reasoning is that they ignored his book. maybe it was a shitty book. (and maybe it wasn't, but come on, that's a dumb reason to discredit wapo.)
@altschmerz I perceive otherwise, and they are reputable as can be,. Do they publish editorials with which I sometimes disagree their articles are dead on. As for pushing war, again, we distinguish between editorials and news articles. They most certainly do not suck.
As a veteran (old times), I fully understood the desire to punish the Taliban. And who ever lead the initial stages was smart, hooking up with the disenfranchised war lords, thus putting them more in the front lines. Then, we should have gotten the Hell out and left it in their, albeit fill in your own evil thoughts here, hands. But the Cheneys of destruction, just like those from Vietnam, pushed to stay and build a democracy. All for fucking warmongering profiteers. Add f'ing Iraq for shits and giggles and the cause of Daesh. The last good republican, Ike, was right: Beware the Military Industrial Machine.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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