Of course he did this. This is who he is.
(He raised 2 million in 48 hours for charity. Biden has been all but MIA. smh)
Bernie's sliding in the polls...and if Joe gets the nomination...I'm afraid it's going to be 4 more years of DJT.
So I urge all of you who still have hopes of Bernie winning to post, post, post. Share these and other memes on Facebook. If you don't you're telling the world that you don't care if Trump continues to MAGA...Make America God-Awful.
And yet Biden is winning because the bros didn’t come out to vote.
@dan325 Wow! Big surprise that a Bernie bro would deflect their shortcomings by spouting such an egregious lie about his opponent! You have no shame! Biden has released his medical history while Bernie hasn’t.
@dan325 He talks the same way all the other old white men of his age do.
Bernie Bros do not exist
@SolarWind another Sanders gaslighter! Big surprise
Prove that they do
@Killtheskyfairy I don't understand. Are you referring to me or @SolarWind ?
I work hard to check facts...I'm a very literal "agnostic"...so please, enlighten me?
@Killtheskyfairy The "bros" include a lot of "sisters" ...and if you think Joe's got better mental acuity than Bernie; I urge you to watch this;
To be fair; here's Trevor Noah and the Daily show's video essay on Bernie; quite rare footage, and lots of stuff to make you smile,, actually!
@dan325 oh please! Yeah, I’m ageist! Ha! I’m old too and sick of the choice we got of more old white men running the USA while other countries elect women.
,@SolarWind I supported Bernie in 2016 primary and had many a run in with Bernie bros who thought he was the second coming of Christ and could do no wrong and anything to win was fair play. So who do I believe? You or my own lying eyes?
I think you're over exaggerating quite a bit, Bernie Bros and Obama Bros are bullshit propaganda terms made up by the Clinton campaign.
@Killtheskyfairy and @SolarWind
#1 Please; drop the "BernieBros" comment/meme? remember; there's more women than men who support Bernie; so drop the sexist "Bernie Bros" comment.
#2. Bernie's great; but he's clearly too progressive for main-stream Americans.
#3.You ask..."who do I believe? "
Be agnostic.
Do your HW. research the facts...don't accept FB or even posts here; fact-check.
@dan325 She's not out of the picture yet. She might make the perfect backup (VP) if Bernie lucks out.
Biden will be out there shaking hands, giving big hugs, and kissing babies -- so presidential and a real winner.
Biden has been consulting with various Democratic governors on how to get federal aid through to their states and other actions for pandemic support. Because he’s really a Democrat and works with the party to get things done.
@Killtheskyfairy Good for him. If I had a friend who was a politician I would like it to be Biden. As a leader... let's just say I hope Elizabeth and Bernie (and lots more Democrats) can push him in the right direction.
Bernie always was and still is a strong advocate for humane treatment of all people. I love that man and I will vote for him in the Kansas primary, as I did in the 2016 Kansas caucus (where Bernie trounced Hillary 2 to 1).
Bernie is neither the most progressive or effective senator. He hasn’t accomplished much in 30 years of representing one of the tiniest states in the union. He’s been regurgitating FDR ideas for years but as an independent who denigrates the Democratic Party, can’t get anything done. If he’s president,how does he get laws through Congress? Is everything going to be executive order?
I’d love to have Hillary as president now with her highly educated intelligence and wide governmental experience. We wouldn’t have the clusterfuck we have now. Thanks, Bernie bros!
@Killtheskyfairy Whoa, that’s a lot of negative mojo aimed the man who just raised $2 million in 48 hours from his supporters for coronavirus relief. Just trying to spread some love and appreciation in a time of stress.
Really? With the anti-Hillary statement? Stop with the gaslighting.
@Killtheskyfairy Bernie has done a beautiful, responsible thing here. His actions underscore why I caucused for him in 2016 and why I will vote for him in this year’s primary I made no anti-Hillary statement. If I did, please point it out to me. Thanks.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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