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Washington Governor Accuses Trump of Encouraging Domestic Rebellion

After Donald Trump released a series of "LIBERATE" tweets, denouncing the coronavirus lockdown and calling for citizens to “liberate” certain US states with governors he dislikes - which far-right social media took as Trump signaling support for “boogaloo" - a term extremists use for a “planned armed insurrection,” Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington shot back by accusing the President of "fomenting domestic rebellion by encouraging illegal and dangerous acts of violence with his "unhinged rantings.”

Wait a minute! I thought the 2nd Amendment talked about "a well-regulated militia,” not an ignorant, obese and diabetic militia? Hell, these folks don’t even qualify as a mob. This is more like an uprising in some mental health facility.

Now, I realize how depressing it is, watching these aggressive, obnoxious, ignoramuses make threats against civilization itself, but it’s also important to remember that - just like a huge, disgusting turd - “this too shall pass.” Anyway, the point is, if you really wanna “Liberate America” - dump Trump like the rabid, mongrel beast that he is!


johnnyrobish 8 Apr 20
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Humm well there is some evidence that these folks just can't help it. They are predisposed by their big ole fat right amygdala's to behave the way they are behaving (30 to 40%). And then there is the natural desire to be with people like them. Their tribe of self proclaimed patriots. Parents of these rugged individualists taught them well, (or failed miserably), as they align themselves into like minded groups of sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandparents, neighbors and community members who populate our neighborhoods, towns, cities, and rural areas. There is no way change them. So wear your mask. Keep yourself safe. And hope for the best because you are seeing the beginning of the worst.

ArthurK Level 6 Apr 20, 2020

Interesting, I have not heard of any demonstrations in our state capital. What I have heard is that most of these demonstrations were in swing states. On NPR this morning it was mention a link with those who created the "tea party movement were involved.

I actually see that as good news as most sensible and reasonable people will recognize, once again, how our divider-in-chief actually promotes armed rebellion and violence.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 20, 2020

It continues to amaze me how stupid and ignorant people are becoming...

@dan325 I say becoming because Bernie supporters are becoming as well..


This Problem is Sorting Itself Out .

GEGR Level 7 Apr 20, 2020

This is one of your best. When I heard about his tweets I thought the idiots need to demand that he leads their protests. He'd backup so fast he would fall down.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 20, 2020

Thanks for your kind words Lorajay.


These same people, in the cult of tRump, are willing to make him a dictator and actually believe they would be allowed to keep their guns if they do so. They have no understanding of fascism or reality.

One new argument I've seen in their hypocrisy is - those wanting us to stay in to "save lives" are aborsonists who kill millions and we can't allow that.

Good points my friend!


trump and his moronic followers are the worst people in our Country.

On earth!

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