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This happened just down the street from me. 🙁

Minneapolis | Black Man Dies After White Minneapolis Cop Kneels on His Neck (Video) []

JazznBlues 8 May 26
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Violence as part of protest is never justified, but at the same time even I, a white man who is fully aware of my privilege that goes with that status, understand that there is only so much that a member of an oppressed minority can stand before the desire to strike back with rage and violence against the symbols of oppression, whether it's cops in riot gear, an empty police car, or a police station building. Same thing back in San Francisco after Dan White murdered Harvey Milk and was acquitted. Gay people smashed windows at city hall. Same with Treyvon Martin's murderer getting a walk. I know that if the shoe was on my foot I would not be able to stay non-violent forever when my oppressors kept getting away scot free with murder.


I hope that cop is charged with murder!


It's awful! But what is going on? I think we made a mistake when we thought slavery became Jim Crowe Laws and then real equality came with MLK. There is no word that I know of that describes the period after Jim Crowe that continued the oppression of black people. But you're the American people. I think you can change the situation because seismic changes have been made throughout history by the power of ordinary people.

brentan Level 8 May 26, 2020

Well said

most Americans are stupid and offended when football players kneel. not easy to change the minds of the obedient population of this country. believe me i know

@metalhead222 I do. I just hope there is a line that people in power cross where common decency rises up and says no more. I'm thinking of the British in Ireland and India and America in the time of MLK. It seems weird to think people might still have this basic sense of decency in their hearts in this day and age but I've got my fingers crossed that they do.


This is what I call sin! Callously taking another life like he was trash. I hope they make an all time example of these cops. 99 years in max security prison sounds barely enough to me.

JazznBlues Level 8 May 26, 2020

Last I heard, they've been fired but not charged with any crime.

That's how it works with cops. If they are caught murdering, they don't have to pay for their crimes, they just have to find a new job.



bobwjr Level 10 May 26, 2020
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