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What are reasons there should be organized civilian policing of the police?


"Bystander Videos of George Floyd and Others Are Policing the Police.".

"Videos of police interactions with civilians, whether captured by the people involved or bystanders, now act as a central witness, often challenging official accounts ... There’s been enough incidences and evidence that show that too often police don’t tell the truth about what really happened."

AnonySchmoose 8 May 27
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The police should be abolished, and replaced with public safety departments. No uniforms, no 'ranks', no military equipment. And only one bullet in their Barney Fife revolver. They would fight fires, serve as EMTs, school crossing guards, and parks maintainance workers.And we the people should always be better-armed than they are.

davknight Level 8 May 29, 2020

To prevent abuses

bobwjr Level 10 May 27, 2020

I specifically think to prevent hiring of abusive police also.


We have been indoctrinated to believe that "Cops are a necessary evil in society." That idea let's the cops off for bad behavior. Cops do need to be held to a higher standard, just like other professions like doctors and therapists and teachers. As a teacher, I was expected to act a certain way. I would have anyway; and, I witnessed three cases of sexual abuses where I worked. I reported one - got yelled at, but the guy was fired, later arrested.

The higher standard values do not seem popular in capitalist/racist culture.
I just hope to change this culture somehow.


Cop watch!

The government should hire unemployed people to follow around and document the actions of law enforcement.

RoboGraham Level 8 May 27, 2020

Wow ... that is an excellent idea ... an example of systems thinking!
That would achieve several practical results.

@AnonySchmoose Under Governor Ronald Reagan in 68, some of the toughest gun laws in the nation were passed, with approval from the NRA. Why? Because armed members of the Black Panthers took it upon themselves to follow the police in their neighborhoods to protect from police violence.

I know that Black Panthers in general protected their families and neighborhoods against racist violence.
That makes one wonder if civilian policing would work against NRA automatic weapon sales, in addition to other proactive results.

@AnonySchmoose actually it was to protect them from racist police violence..

Yes, I know they were acted against and slandered very unfairly by police, and incarcerated for long times without legal justification.

@AnonySchmoose well we can't have Armed Black Men wandering around now can we?

Wait a minute ... I like them. Those panthers have looked pretty buff, smart, and sexy, so I would love to watch them wander around. Maybe they should begin again. I wouldn't mind demonstrating and writing members of congress for their rights to patrol and protect the streets and the populace. They aren't a hate group, so no harm done.

@AnonySchmoose Guess my sarcasm failed ,huh?..I think they just should do it..and yes they were sexy AF..

I did understand your sarcasm ... I should have reacted with a rolling on the floor laughing face. Sorry for not showing my appreciation.

@AnonySchmoose sorry, have a rough day today..

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