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LINK Black militia members brandish guns demanding charges against cops linked to Breonna Taylor's death | Daily Mail Online

I had to go to the UK news to get a little of the true story on this. The US media that is covering it at all, is hyper-focused on the accidental firearm discharge, rather than the awakening happening for white Americans that think they're the ONLY people allowed to carry ARs/organize militia style.

The funny (the only word I can think of at the moment) thing? Before the NFAC's march began, those Three Percenters, the big fat white bullies/militia on the block, had left. Tucked their tales and ARs and headed out. I'm certain there are a good number of those guys plotting revenge right now because Black people can actually legally carry AND protest. (There were only a few left by the time the march commenced, fewer when it ended.)

(It looks like those Three Percenters are out-gunned. I dunno. Looks a little sad in comparison.)

In part:


In recent weeks, scores of Black Lives Matter demonstrators have been demanding the arrest of the Louisville police officers involved in the fatal shooting of 26-year-old EMT Breonna Taylor.

'Once it gets to that point where it looks like the government is non-responsive to the will of the people, the Constitution says to [form a] militia to address the grievances of the people,' NFAC head John Fitzgerald 'Jay' Johnson, also known as Grand Master Jay, told WDRB-TV.

'I didn’t write it,' Johnson said of the Constitution.

'They (the founding fathers) wrote it. We just abide by it. So that’s our destination, because when it looks like the government is being indifferent to the people, the people have the right to form themselves - and arm themselves — to ask those questions.'

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 25
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just like in California when the Black panthers sported guns in public. California was an open carry state. But after that legal display of firearms, California thought we better ban open carry and thats what they did.

@SeaGreenEyez agreed


Holy fuck Bubba, don they know the open carry rule, the stand your ground law and the 2nd amendment was only supposed to apply to PEOPLE not N'---ers!

@SeaGreenEyez I have learned that lesson the hard way


If all blacks were part of armed militia, the right wingers would appeal the 2nd Amendment in a heartbeat.

barjoe Level 9 July 25, 2020

@SeaGreenEyez wetting themselves more like shitting

What do you think happened to the open carry laws in California during the 60s? The black panthers were openly patrolling, in areas that needed help while armed and the white folks freaked.


Hmm, this isn't good. I'd feel safer without the raggedty right there. They are prone to overreacting.

@SeaGreenEyez. it's not at all hard to imagine a bunch of right wingers being outclassed, or even out manned.

@SeaGreenEyez you just described 2/3 of the local populace here...can you say 'red state' ?

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