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I've begun to politically identify myself more as an anarcho-syndicalist than as a strict democratic socialist. Thus, I will vote democratic in the election, but not expect wholesale, or even retail, political change. It feels more like taking a drug to get rid of an intestinal parasite. Anybody with me?

Green_Chile_Type 6 Aug 15
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I voted for the Green party the last two elections and I am not a Democrats and I don't let the Republican boogie men scare me into voting for shitty Democrats that will not give the working poor any thing they need to fix this mess they created together. Both parties are playing off you suckers in order to stay in power.

People with no money only have their vote and once you give it to a party that doesn't subscribe to your policy views you give the parties no incentive to actually put policies in place that will actually help people.

This is a more detailed version of the reasons I'm not a Democrat. Jamarl Thomas says it better then I can.

Vintenar Level 5 Aug 22, 2020

Yeah, the &smallddem is about what to do after the election.

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Kinda like taking aspirin for a headache, which is replaced by an ulcer.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 16, 2020

Voting to get Trump out of the white house. If that means Biden so be it...

JazznBlues Level 8 Aug 16, 2020

I might vote for Biden or I might vote Green for prez, but either way I will expect zero from Biden. Down the ballot I will vote for Dems.

At least this year the greens aren't running the same person as last time who was anti-vax and a homeopath.


I figured out a long time ago that the system sucks and getting a revolution isn't happening too soon, so I always vote for the Democrats who do the least harm and the occasional good.

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