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WilliamCharles 8 Aug 25
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Instead of "rapist," "sexual harasser" is pretty well established (i.e., groping and hair sniffing).

Biden and Trump also share being frequently addled and in cognitive decline.

I had to look up Aricept. It's dementia med. In Joe's first appearance on The Daily Show, watch the subconscious chewing he does with his mouth at the very beginning. One of the side effects of the med is dry mouth.

I'm not sure I follow Caitlin's point, unless she's being sarcastic about progressives thinking they can move Biden to the left, but I know damn well Biden will never move to the left, esp. if he becomes prez. It goes against what his donors want, his past record, and his own instincts.


Yeah... it's absolutely snark. A pretend Dem response.

My late wife was on that drug, for a matter of months while still in the early stage of dementia. It really didn't help her at all, but supposedly it is helpful at slowing down the symptoms of some types of dementia, mainly Alzheimer's, during the early stage. But it does not halt the continued loss of brain cells during the disease. Her type was something very rare, not Alzheimer's.



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 25, 2020

I strongly disagree. It is almost entirely spot on. The DNC and Team Biden are actively courting moderate Republican votes. The same miscalculation they made in 2016.

@WilliamCharles It shows what assholes they are and how much contempt they have for progressives. They kiss ass to moderate Repubs in a lost cause to get votes from them that will never happen, but they won't give jack to progressives to seek their votes.

@TomMcGiverin - "from your mouth to Glob's ear" as the saying goes. Absolutely correct.

@WilliamCharles Yes, that is why I waited until the convention to decide whether to vote for biden. Would he and the dnc throw a few bones to progressives to get our votes? Nothing! So I decided to vote Green. I think Bernie has sold out his followers. I've never been enthused over the democrats over the decades, I remember Hubert, and McGovern, and Carter, and the others including Clinton. None of them spoke to me as a former non-violent activist. It's been a lineage of half bowls full of shit.



brentan Level 8 Aug 25, 2020

The meme is referring to the Tara Reade allegations. Kamala Harris said she believed Reade (before she didn't). The meme could have used groping as opposed to rapist as Biden has openly groped women and children on camera (and admitted it and made excuses for it).


@WilliamCharles Yes, he's far too touchy-feely for this current climate.


That's disingenuous...

This sounds like Republicans, not Democrats..

@Cutiebeauty it does, doesn't it..

@Charlene yes, it does.. Typical right wing crap.. Accuse the dems of what the repubs do... So weak...

@Cutiebeauty actually..that Is the exactly, what the Dems platform is....No M4A, No GND, No Raises, No Free State University...

@Charlene nonsense...

@Cutiebeauty I suggest you read the platform..and btw Biden has said No to M4A several times..during the bullshit primaries and in interviews..yup he's a caring guy alright.. he cares more for his corporate sponcers than citizens in the middle of a has Chuckie Shummer

@Charlene where can I find the platforms?

@Cutiebeauty google DNC Platform..

On social issues, it advocates campaign finance reform, LGBT rights, criminal justice and immigration reform, stricter gun laws, abortion rights, and the legalization of marijuana. 15 Democrats have served as President of the United States.

@Cutiebeauty yeah, looks great don't it? Except no M4A, and Joe and Kammie said No to Marijuana legalization. Where are the Tax increases on the Oligarchs? Where's the push to reinstitute Glass-Stegal? Where's the push to get rid of the Hyde Amendment? Where the push to get rid of For Profit prisons? Where oh where is the push to Cut Defence budget?.. Campaigne finance will be ignored as it Always is, gun control will be ignored as usual.
There Hasn't been 15 Democrstic Presidents in My Lifetime...there have been 5..


While I cannot support the lies told by tRump and his cohorts, I cannot support the position of biden and the dnc either. Green party here I come. Also, I've seen no evidence that biden is a rapist, inappropriate touch yes, rape no.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 25, 2020

I didn't create the meme and would have left that off myself, but I find Reade's allegations credible. So did Kamala (initially).

He is a creepy groper and I'm willing to believe where there's smoke there's fire in this instance.

Biden's own words on the Reade allegations - (paraphrased from memory) "If you believe her, vote for someone else."

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