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LINK "You've got the wrong house": Video shows Chicago police handcuffing innocent naked woman during raid on wrong apartment

When people say "Defund the police" this is why! I can't even imagine what this poor lady went through. If it happened to me, I would die! There's NO EXCUSE for this carelessness and callousness!

Just to clarify, as long as crime exists we need police. But they're not creating a hell of a lot of goodwill here!

altschmerz 9 Dec 18
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This lady should now have about ten million dollars at least, just for her time and embarrassment. The cop should be fired by now, he can work digging ditches.


Totally unacceptable! The guy they wanted had an ANKLE MONITOR & they couldn't find him???!!!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

Then the cop that cuffed has the gall to tell she's naked and gawks at her while asking questions...SMFH..

Charlene Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

And, sadly, the mayor tried to keep it hushed up as well.

Very ironic, considering that the mayor is also a black woman.


One would think that will all going on with the police they would be a little more vigilant? Obviously not. I wonder if any of those cops would make a personal restitution?

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

You assume they care...

@Canndue There are some that do. I do know they did admit the mistake and tried to walk it back.

@JackPedigo I assume the majority do care, unfortunately their loyalty to their blue comrades usually overrides any right/wrong decisions

@Canndue 500 bad cops + 1000 silent cops = 1500 bad cops..

@Charlene agreed

@Canndue True but if the one cop who does care is the lead cop the others will follow. It's not always the bad egg that rules (kind of like our recent election).

@JackPedigo of course, otherwise the number of cases like this would be huge.


Saw this yesterday and just went WTF???

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