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Article on how QAnon will either disappear or get worse. Personally I wouldn't dismiss the idea that they will disappear: []

Theresa_N 8 Jan 21
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We need a domestic terrorist policy with laws to match. How easily people are duped by 2nd rate celebs. I can not believe they will coalesce as they don't have one agenda any longer. Proud Boys accepts all men but no women. Nazis accept only " euro trash" non Semitic. Q is a media phenom that is now being boycotted for its manipulation of the "slow adults". Boogaloo Boys is another joke. If they coalesce then we have a problem more than we do currently. Boys seem to need to join a group, a gang, sports team,, the army. These edge groups will mutate successfully or no as the KKK, American Nazi Party ( oxymoron. One can not be a nazi & an American in spirit).

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

QAnon in crisis, another article about what's happening with QAnon: []

Theresa_N Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

Many of them will splinter - some are already being recruited by the non q white nationalists

True some will splinter but I wouldn't hazzard a guess of how many will just become ordinary white evangelicals. I guess they're anti-semetic and are racist towards other races too. Those that are extreme in those views will join other nazi groups.


Seems like we should create ethics codes and truth in reporting statutes for any organization calling itself news. There will always be some bias, but at least if you are dealing in facts, there is a fighting chance. Then go after the source of these conspiracies.

Canndue Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

More likely fragment. Some will go away, but the worst elements will metastasize. The true believers are not going to suddenly become rational, safe, clear-thinking citizens.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

I believe it takes a special kind of crazy to believe that garbage to begin with. The kind of crazy that will jump on the next crazy train.

freeofgod Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

Proof positive that Americans are way over medicated...

@altschmerz definitely over medicated


Quote: “There may be people who fall off quietly because they were just along for the ride and it isn’t fun any more, but these kind of movements will always have true believers."

Trump having the pulpit of the presidency certainly fueled the movement. With him out of the limelight, I expect the extremism will die down somewhat. The January 6 insurrection highlighted the dangers of that fringe to mainstream America. Maybe the FBI will now put a higher priority on countering the extremists, and convictions will help dampen their movement. They may not disappear, but I'm hoping they will diminish and calm down.

Social media has a big part of the responsibility. "We are just a platform." No, you really are a de facto news media, and you need to assume the responsibility as such.

nicestuff Level 7 Jan 21, 2021

It'll fade away, then come raging back..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 21, 2021

The herpes of society


People with the mentality and gullibility necessary to become QAnon members don't just seamlessly meld back into society, either because they need something new, or someone new comes along to take advantage of them.

Oh, I'm confused by your wording. Now that I've read it, are you saying you disagree with the article you posted?

@JeffMurray I don't disagree with the article I linked to. It seems many Q people are discouraged right now and reevaluating their beliefs whether this will make them non-fascists or grow their beliefs into a full fledged religious movement I don't know.


Personally I have been waiting for religion to disappear but it hasn’t. I am pretty sure the same dummies will continue with this stupidity.

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