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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club Partially Closed Over Staff Coronavirus

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida had to be partially closed after some of its employees were infected with the coronavirus, according to an email sent to club members Friday afternoon.

Wow, sounds like when Trump moved from the White House back down to Mar-a-Lago, he brought along everything he had - including the coronavirus! Better have Dr.Fauci “stand down and stand by.” Oh wait, just remembered that Rand Paul’s a “doctor” too, perhaps he could share some of his expertise on the subject? I believe he’s either an ophthalmologist or a proctologist. I know it’s one of those “oligists.” Probably the latter, given that he always seems to have his head up his ass.

Anyway, so it appears that Trump’s precious COVID-a-Lago, is now officially a “biohazard.” I’m sure Palm Beach residents are extremely pleased to learn about that. Not to mention, an outbreak like this could really hurt business. I got an idea, how about book one of those anti-vaxxer conventions during the lockdown? Hell, they wouldn’t even need to bother packing masks. One thing’s for sure, it won’t be long before Trump and Fox News finds a way to blame it all on either Hillary, Obama, or Biden.

I tell ya, between all the bed bugs, the rodents in the kitchen, the food poisoning, and now the COVID-19, Mar-a-Lago is starting to make the Bates Motel look like Shangri-La. I tell ya what, that Donald Trump really knows how to bring out the worst in people. And, I’m sure no exception. Hell, my swearing has gotten bad enough these past four years - to get me kicked off a damn pirate ship. The pirates be like “Hey, come on now! Watch your language!”


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 20
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Good writing & good outlook. Kudos!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 20, 2021

Thank you so much!

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