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Postmaster General DeJoy Proposes Slower Mail and Higher Prices

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump appointee and major Republican donor, has unveiled a plan to slash Post Office hours, hike postage prices, and extend first-class delivery times, changes likely to worsen the nationwide mail slowdowns that began following implementation of DeJoy’s initial round of operational changes last year.

OK, now if I understand DeJoy's plan correctly, he wants to jack-up the price of mail delivery and slow down service. Humm, lower service, and higher prices? Now, that’s what I call some cutting-edge business theory!  Hell, with a game plan like that, if he ever left Post Office - I’m thinking he’d be the perfect guy to run the Texas electrical grid. I mean, at this point, we may as well bring back The Pony Express.

So apparently, I guess it turns out that simply donating money to Donald Trump's political campaign, doesn’t automatically qualify you to run a huge, complicated national organization after all. I mean, who knew? In fact, the truth is that Donald Trump’s and Louis DeJoy’s business expertise, have managed to turn this once-proud Postal Service - into a DeJoke.

Hey, I got an idea, let’s pass a law that says DeJoy’s paycheck can only be sent to him through that same mail service he’s trying to sabotage. Let’s see how he likes them apples. Perhaps it’s time that this Louis DeJoy character gets stamped “Return to Sender” and gets sent back to wherever the hell he came from, before everyone waiting for their overdue mail delivery - gets fed up and goes “Postal.”


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 24
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I think they really began to dismantle the post office in the 90's with Newt Gingrich. I believe he was even mired in a scandal related to the post office if I am not mistaken.


As The Pony Express was privately owned & went bankrupt after one year, we might not want to follow that model. Plus the USPS is Constitutionally mandated so its not going anywhere soon, but in what form. 1st Congress permitted the United Parcel to take package business away. Then there was "Simplified mailing" which was cheaper for businesses, but cost more in overtime for the USPS. Then Express mail was opened up to private companies to peel more layers of revenue for the USPS. Now the pension retirement system is required to pre-fund itself. Something no other service is required to do. Until we have Star Trek's ability to transport or the Constitution is amended, there will be something left of the shambles CONGRESS is responsible for. While they are in session....nobody is safe.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

His agenda, I believe, is to OWN the service, and milk it for all he can.

BirdMan1 Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

The Republican thieves want the Postal Servce to fail so they can grab up all the prime postal real estate in every city and town.

nicknotes Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

he was hired to dismantle the post office so mail in voting would be interrupted and he is good at his job


It is NOT a business, it is a Service. 😛




Does anyone want to hold him down while i tattoo the meaning of"Public Servant" on his forehead, backwards? (So he can read it everytime he looks in the mirror).

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 24, 2021


Me too..

Me three!


This POS needs to staked to a fire ant pile then hung out to dry..🤬🤬🤬🤬

Charlene Level 9 Mar 24, 2021
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