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GOP Labels Biden’s Daycare, Education, and Employee Leave - Lefty Social Engineering

Just days after President Biden announced his $1.8 trillion American Families Plan to expand federal investment in child daycare, higher education, employee leave, and much more, Republicans are launching a “cultural attack” on the plan, calling it “Lefty Social Engineering.”

So, apparently to Republicans - affordable childcare and healthcare, debt-free education, and wages that people can actually live on - are all a communist plot? A massive, diabolical conspiracy, designed to get votes - by improving peoples' lives. Why, what a sneaky, underhanded way, to get people thinking about themselves and their families’ interests - instead of Antifa and Hunter Biden’s laptop!

Republicans like Mitch McConnell added that if Congress were to implement Joe Biden’s proposals, it would be like “mortgaging our children’s future,” which they find totally unacceptable. Unless, of course - mortgaging our children’s future could somehow end up primarily benefiting the wealthy, multi-national corporations, or rich Republican donors” rather than regular folks. Then it would be just fine.

The fact is, the Republican answer to “lefty social engineering” is “calculated neglect.” In other words, defund everything designed to help people. Why, as any good Republican can tell you “parents don’t need no stinking preschools.” What they really need is - to hire au pairs, nannies, maids, and private tutors. And, to help impoverished families pay for all that, Republicans intend to offer poor families a small tax deduction.

Now, sadly for Republicans, Americans still seem to be strongly in favor of all of those "lefty social engineering” programs - you know, like -Social Security, Medicare, public K-12 education, public libraries, the US Postal Service, national defense, air traffic control, national parks, and our interstate highway system.

Of course, other than offering tax cuts for the rich and opposing anything Democrats may propose, Republicans have nothing to offer. Now, if I were a self-centered, heartless, Social Darwinist of a Republican, I think I’d be a little careful about defining all these programs people love so much - as “socialism.” Otherwise, people might start to catch on to the GOP game-plan and, next thing you know - they just might start liking socialism.


johnnyrobish 8 May 2
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They always have since social security, if you're not rich starve mentality

bobwjr Level 10 May 2, 2021

So true my friend!

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