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Anti-Vax Newsmax Host Says Diseases are Supposed to Kill People

Conservative network Newsmax has been forced to “distance itself” from remarks uttered by host Rob Schmitt this week, who claimed that vaccines go "against nature" because diseases are "supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people,” and that vaccinations “unnaturally interfere with viruses' designs on killing people.”

Wow, kinda looks like the “Schmitt” has really hit the fan over at Newsmax. So, they want to “distance” themselves from Schmitt’s remarks, do they? Gee, makes you wonder if the morons who run Newsmax know they actually have the option not hire anti-science nitwits like Schmitt as anchors in the first place? Not to worry though, should Schmitt get fired, I'm sure folks like Kevin McCarthy or Rand Paul would warmly welcome him to become part of their staffs.

Of course, the truth is, what Schmitt is really promoting is “Social Darwinism.” Given that, I assume by the same logic he applies to vaccines, one may conclude that by warning people a tornado is approaching, we are interfering with the nature’s desire to wipe out all trailer parks. Or, those Trump supporters who’re refusing to get vaccinated, are actually assisting mother nature in its quest to cull the herd of those “hateful MAGA half-wits.”

Now, I’m certainly no medical expert, but it seems to me that by Schmitt’s definition, all modern medicine goes against nature - simply because its sole purpose is to fight disease. Therefore, after watching Schmitt’s Newsmax analysis on vaccinations, I suppose we’re left with one simple question - does modern medicine consider “stupidity” as a communicable disease?


johnnyrobish 8 July 14
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Humm there is a certain appeal to ole Rob's hogwash among the "rugged individual free person" crowd. You know them the "marry your sister to keep the gene pool free from foreign invaders" guys who think they are immune to the virus . Only the bleeding heart libatards will die and the world will be better off. Thinning the herd of the old, weak and undesirable leaving only the manly men and their adoring women, melanin deprived of course, to build a more perfect world.

ArthurK Level 6 July 15, 2021

Newsmax is backing off? He's THEIR mouthpiece. Oh, I get it, Hilary secretly hired him for them, knowing that he'd fuck up sooner than later.

BirdMan1 Level 8 July 14, 2021

. . . no surprise



Because Huge portions of the population, for centuries,, before the smallpox vaccine, weren't walking around with pox scars......

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 14, 2021

What an idiot.

DenoPenno Level 9 July 14, 2021

Russian disinformation at its finest! Some dummies will fall for it.


Idiots united

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2021

Thankfully his views are not mainstream…but in answer to your question on ‘stupidity’, it may certainly appear to be communicable, but sadly in some it appears to be incurable too!

Marionville Level 10 July 14, 2021
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