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Women soccer/futbal players take a knee at the Olympics. First the Brits and Chileans and later the US and Sweden.


Beowulfsfriend 9 July 21
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Ah yes, the olympics…..

‘“And that concludes our 5 minute coverage of sport, now let’s watch 45 minutes of how that swimmers’ grand mother’s friend once caught a cold, and how it affected her performance. Back to you Jim….”

Canndue Level 8 July 22, 2021

Solidarity and love, but truly frightening for fascist agents in the US that work for Murdock.


But there's also this...

phxbillcee Level 10 July 21, 2021

The Young Turks - Athletes FINED for Refusing To Wear Bikinis

@phxbillcee I saw. So ridiculous and sexist.
Meanwhile, the Japanese have given the athletes at the village cardboard beds to sleep on in order to discourage sex. At least the beds are recyclable.

@Beowulfsfriend Good luck with trying to keep young, fit and healthy athletes from having sex with each other…cardboard beds or not! However I do commend the Japanese on the fact that they are recyclable!

@Marionville My thoughts exactly

@Marionville, @Beowulfsfriend Olympic bit starts at 3:30...

@phxbillcee That guy was Rhys McClenaghan a gymnast representing Ireland 🇮🇪, but who is in fact from Co.Down in Northern Ireland 🇬🇧 !

@Marionville Later in the show Colbert corrected his first name, but still butchered the last.

@Marionville Also, being of Irish descent, I'm not a fan of a "Northern Ireland"...

@phxbillcee It’s quite a common surname around here! 😁😅

@Marionville I notice you just swept by my second bit...LOL!

@phxbillcee The situation here is way more complex than those who reduce it to merely a British occupation of Ireland problem. The Protestants have been here since the Plantation of Ulster..which began in 1610….that’s ten years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock! They are not an occupying force, they have 400 years of history and are now indigenous to this territory. The Partition of Ireland happened because over 100 years ago Ireland had a plebiscite and a majority in 26 counties voted for independence but the 6 Northern counties in Ulster had a majority in favour of remaining British…hence Ireland split into two different jurisdictions. There were always people who never accepted the partition and of course it culminated in the 30 years of the “Troubles” from 1970 - 2000, but the Good Friday Agreement has now enshrined in International law that Ireland will be reunited at a time in the future when a majority wish it. I think that is pretty democratic and negates any need for politicians or paramilitaries to continue to stir up trouble…although sadly they do.

@phxbillcee I kind of got carried away! 😅. Yes…I did find it funny!

@Marionville &, tho you had good reason to think otherwise, having an inkling of the sad state of education over here, but I have done some research on the subject & do know the history. (I have a number of books in my current library on the subject) I won't get into some of the things you glossed over in your history, I did not bring this up to get into any argument, especially not with you. It was sort of a throw-away line, sort of, & then the silly NatLamp add-on. We can leave it at that as we are getting well afield of the origin of the thread. Pax?

@phxbillcee cause most people tune in for the sport….ya, right


Our home nation teams of England, Scotland and Wales all took the knee at the recent Euro 2020 Football championships….I expected it would be repeated by our Olympic teams.

Marionville Level 10 July 21, 2021

If everyone "takes a knee", then the act of "taking a knee" loses significance.

BD66 Level 8 July 21, 2021

Nope. Shows solidarity.

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