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NOAA Data Show July 2021 was Earth’s Hottest Month Ever Recorded

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just declared July 2021 the world’s hottest month in the 142 years that records have been kept. In fact, the combined land and ocean surface temperature this July was a full 1.67 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th-century average.

No kidding? I was wondering why just about everything on Earth seemed to be on fire. Not being a scientist, I just assumed one of those “Disco Infernos” from the late 1970s, may have caught fire. Of course, Republicans are quick to point out that “when the Earth was condensing from molten rock, it was actually a lot hotter - so this current warming trend is nothing but small potatoes.” Now, while they do kinda have a point, perhaps we should wait until Mike Lindell or Rudy Giuliani chime in - before we make any important decisions on the matter.

Also, what an odd coincidence that all the same people who believe “the coronavirus is a hoax, the Jan 6th insurrection was actually Black Lives Matter members posing as white Trump supporters, that vaccinations have 5G microchips in them, and Trump won the 2020 presidential election” - are the very same folks who reject the dire warnings of the world’s foremost climate scientists. Now, the Republican’s take on all this is basically “what’s the big deal anyway? If it gets too hot, just adjust your air conditioner’s thermostat down a few degrees!”

Look at it this way, while this may very well be the hottest July we’ve ever had, if global warming continues accelerating at its current pace - it may also be the “coldest July” you’ll experience for the rest of your life -so dress warm! Now, I’ve always assumed Republican leaders would “roast in Hell” for prioritizing profits over human life, but it appears I was wrong - because they’re actually “roasting” right now. The problem is, the rest of us are stuck roasting - right along with them.


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 15
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The same old people, they were there resentful from before the Civil War right up to today.
I remember a specific experience in high school.
The South never stopped acting like Robert E Lee was a hero.
They gave everyone in the South their citizenship back after the war, except Lee. His citizenship wasn’t restored until 1976, years after he was dead.
I was in high school in Alabama and had to write a paper kissing Lee’s ass for the high school celebration of Lee’s complete vindication.
We were compelled to dance in the systemic racism disco.
Even then I was thinking, this war criminal murdered thousands of US Citizens!
I made the mistake of asking how rational people could act like this loser that backed slavery could possibly be considered a hero.
My punishment was a serious essay to be read in the Gymnasium in front of the entire school to start the day of festivities where parents brought lots of food.
I felt like a POW being forced to nurture insurrection disguised as patriotism with every reference to the federal government as if it were a totalitarian monster trying to take their rights, after all the federal government took their “right” to own other human beings.
I wrote of him in positive terms like him politically speaking passionately against the war, but his precious Virginia joined the Confederacy so he went to war. As if that was a rational position to take, pretending it was a question of honor is weak.
It still piss’s me off.
Sorry I went on so much.

That's quite an interesting story, my friend. Sounds as if you did the best that could have been done under the circumstances - short of becoming a martyr.

@johnnyrobish You should have been there in Navy boot camp in Orlando. They gave me a shirt pocket New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs. You have almost no storage space to begin with so I opened it to close to the middle and ripped it in two, then unceremoniously dropped it in the trash.
Everyone acted like I committed murder or something, it made for a hostile work environment for certain.

@Blues-Man Only to me, and it turned me into the hated story telling variety of Southerner, no one wants to hear it so I talk to myself a lot.

I was born in Alabamastan but my family moved when I was around three to California. I was raised there thank goodness. I’m sure if I had to grow up there in Alabamastan, I would have been in the same boat. So sorry that you had to endure that hot mess! 🤗

@Redheadedgammy My step-son's son was born in ALABAMASTAN (I love it!), and they continue to live there. His Mom is a ditzy Southern Belle type, with religious shit on the walls, including a sign that says "Just Believe." Of course, no righteous Alabamasatian would want to actually think, or question anything.

@BirdMan1 Just to be clear I was born in Missouri not Alabama, but Missouri wasn't conservative enough for my Alabama Dad so he left me in Mississippi until I was six then moved me to his lack of concentration camp in Alabama.

@Willow_Wisp Ah, Missouri, that other southern state! I am sorry that reproductive roulette gave you such a childhood.


And the ones saying it's no big deal now will be the first ones crying about all the climate refugees we are forced to take in once places start becoming uninhabitable.


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