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My daughter in law came over wearing a shirt that said:


Their whole family had covid a couple of weeks ago. She sure was quick to jump on that monoclonal antibody treatment. I should have asked her how that was.

JonnaBononna 7 Sep 1
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I survived covid and it gave me exactly the opposite lesson. I don't want others to get it, and that's why I'm vaccinated.


Unlike her, I really tried to protect myself from Covid after it came here, and I managed to for ten months, but then my luck finally ran out and I got it, tho I still don't know how. I am damn glad that the urgent care doc that treated me got me signed up for the Regeneron treatment as soon as possible after I tested positive. But that treatment is no substitute for being careful in the first place to avoid getting infected, kind of like using abortion as your only form of birth control, it is the choice of idiots. The story of your daughter in law shows that her reluctance to mask or vax is not about distrust of science or medicine, it is about being a defiant child in an adult body that doesn't want to care about other people or follow any inconvenient rules. She needs to grow the fuck up.


Your son needs a divorce. Just sayin.........



It's funny how people change their tune when they or their loved ones are dying of Covid-19. Numbskulls the lot of them!

What angers me is how they run to the hospital after being told to get the vaccine to prevent them from getting it, and then clog up the hospital for other serious accidents or heart attack victims.

@Redheadedgammy I can go with that. The selfishness of such people both astonishes and annoys me.

@Redheadedgammy It is alarming and reckless. 😥

@Redheadedgammy When the hospital is overcrowded and can't serve everyone promptly, the Covid deniers and anti-vaxers who get infected should be triaged to the back of the line for service. This is not only completely ethical under the Hippocratic Oath, but is also completely legal. It would serve them right, and if they suffer or die from it, too fucking bad. They made their choice and nobody who innocently got sick should be left to wait for treatment while these assholes get helped. The innocent should be helped first over treatment of the defiant.


And you let her in your house? I already threw one of those out of my life for other bullshit, and I sure wouldn’t have a problem doing the same to a mess like you’re putting up with. 😉

I try to keep the peace for the sake of my son and their kids- I know she'd try keep the kids away from me. She blocked me on Facebook and I was fine with that lol.

@JonnaBononna I hear ya, I did that for almost 25 years and finally said enough. It has affected my relationship with my son, but I have decided my mental health was more important. 😉


I wouldn't have let her through my door..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 1, 2021

Unintelligent, unpleasant, unwise, unfair, unhinged, unnecessary…we can all play that game.


Uncaring and unacceptable.

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