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Putin Claims He Resorted to Driving a Taxi After Fall of Soviet Union

In an upcoming documentary, Russian leader Vladimir Putin claimed that after the Soviet Union’s demise, he was forced to drive a taxi to make ends meet. Putin, now considered one of the world’s richest men, was a Colonel for the KGB in East Germany, before the Soviet Union’s collapse.

Wait a minute, you’re telling me Vladimir Putin actually drove a cab? That must have been just after his “polonium milkshake stand” failed. But sure, I believe Putin drove a cab - and Donald Trump got his start as a bus driver too! All I can say is, if it’s true, then it’s probably the only honest work Putin’s ever had. Of course, one could make the argument that for the past 20 years, Putin’s been taking the entire Russian population “for a ride.”

I mean, how does one go from driving a cab, to being one of the richest people in the entire world? Now, I’ve never driven a cab in Russia, but I’m guessing the tips must have been pretty damn good. Word has it that Putin’s cab rides were considered quite unique, in that instead of people riding in the back seat of his cab, passengers were instead - locked up back in the trunk.

In fact, I would have given Putin five stars for a cab ride I took with him, but all the dead journalists he had stuffed in the back, took up most of the trunk space that I needed for my bags. Anyway, what does it all mean? Well, I’m no Hollywood big wig, but it sure sounds to me like it’s about time Mr. Scorsese start seriously thinking about a "Taxi Driver" sequel.

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johnnyrobish 8 Dec 14
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Vova did not drive a cab. He quickly worked in Mayor Sobchak's office in Petersburg where he extended his connections even beyond the siloviki. He gained significant blat, an old Soviet term meaning influence/connections, through both his KGB/FSB links and this post with Sobchak in the 1990s.

skeptic70 Level 7 Dec 19, 2021

Lots of people use cabs. If Putin ever drove a cab it would be because the KGB was secretly looking for somebody.

DenoPenno Level 9 Dec 14, 2021

Never happened

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 14, 2021

Just like Trumpy was a "selfmade" millionaire..wait.."selfmade" Billionaire,er or was it "selfmade" BIZILLIONAIRE..

Charlene Level 9 Dec 14, 2021
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