Yes every gangster like Nixon, Ford, ReaGUN, Bush Crime Families BILLARY and Bidens Crime Families are stealing from USA and profitting by deadly deals to Angola to Brunei to China et al to Zaire & Zambia
People forget that most of the colonization was done by corporations, for the benefit of the crowns. Hudson Bay Co, East India Company and others would move in first, then the governments would move in to "protect" the investment. The governments were major shareholders. Queen Elizabeth formed the first corporation after seeing the mistakes that Spain made. there is a whole history lesson that is glossed over.
Yes, that's an extremely important point!
@glennlab I think the moral of the story is that the US is only interested in property that provides some sort of advantage such as resources or geographic positioning?
We used to think the Afghan war was about oil. Now veterans who fought there are telling us it was more about the opioids. I thought some of these wars were about fear of different political systems gaining popularity. I don't know what's going on anymore.
@UrsiMajor We are simply following the pattern. We were established by corporations, revolted against a corporate takeover of the tea market ( The British East India Company was going to offer lower prices even after the new added tax, but they would have put most if not all of the small locally owned tea companies out of business.) And have continued to provide "assistance" in corporate expansion into other markets.
We are by no means alone in our exploitation of resources. Almost every country has done similar things. First you send trade delegation, then you establish a foothold and entice the locals to work for you at wages better than what they are used to, but still far less than what it is worth, then you begin a military presence, next you influence the government and if it doesn't agree with you, you help in its overthrow.
Thanks, I didn't even know China was involved with Africa. A lot to take in. Thanks for sharing. I will have your articles to start with when conservatives start saying scary things about this particular situation.
Heavy on the chinese influence
Currently, yes. It was the British for a long time, then the US. The Dutch aren't immune either, especially in Nigeria. No large money/resources wanting nation is immune from doing so.
Yup, the new colonizers.
With USA dollars
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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