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She is so stupid that she is embarrassing to idiots.


Too funny

Lady_Dee Level 2 Feb 10, 2022

The congenitally stupid are singularly unaware of that fact!


Ah, that is because she would love to have all the people of color rounded up and forced to clean the pavements of Washington DC on their hands and knees. No need for yellow stars to be worn, though.


As a former Exec Chef..I've been a Food Nazi, but I know the difference between Gazpacho and Gestapo. One is delish, the other is only good for the balls.

Charlene Level 9 Feb 9, 2022

….I must remember to steer clear of your Swedish meatballs Charlene!

@Marionville my Swedish meatballs are ba bomb..I learned how to make them in Sweden from my Swedish 'mother' old school mom that handwashed clothes, up at 5am and cooking an amazing breakfast..including asparagus soufflé during the summer yes I know Swedish Meatballs...mmmmmm


It’s all about publicity….good or bad simply doesn’t matter..

Canndue Level 8 Feb 9, 2022

Can she tell the difference?

@Marionville maybe not…but then again, think how much attention and notoriety she’s gotten when her claim to fame is idiocy….

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