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US Ambassador confirms Ukraine has been doing dangerous biological research: []

Krish55 8 Mar 8
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Are they now making a new virus vaccine?


Notice her slow calibrated lie that the hurriedly hidden research is not offensive. And then to shift speculative blame on Russia:

Krish55 Level 8 Mar 8, 2022

BFD, the US and Ukraine are taking precautions to prevent classified joint research from falling into enemy hands. Pretty standard stuff. The rest is Russian propaganda from the Russian government news agency. This is a false flag WMD just like Iraq.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 8, 2022

Classified biological research? That has to be quicly hidden? But it's not about bio-weapons? That strains credibility! Do you think that the US is so innocent to not engage in that?

@Krish55 There are all types of bio research that are classified. We have possessed bio weapons since the 1960s so no new news there. Both the US and Russia have possessed bio and chemical weapons moat of which were uttter flops. Those facilities could be doing research on drugs, advanced biomedical advances, pesticides, agricultural needs, or weapons. It was still a joint US-Ukraine project with necessary precautions taken to stop it from falling into enemy hands. Many Soviet/Russian advances have come from stolen western projects, so it is a good practice not to just leave a research lab as is.

@glennlab Bio weapons would the only thing that would warrrant such frantic concern. Just because the accusation came from Russia doesn't mean that it is incorrect.

@Krish55 Not necessarily, but I am no longer privy to classified information. I did not say it was incorrect, I said there are other possible explanations.

@Krish55 All classified research has to be hidden quickly in a war, unless you are taking it to Mar-a-lago.

@Beowulfsfriend . . . or verbally giving to the Russian representatives in the White House. 😛


Now you are definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel :

It's good to be skeptical. In this specific case, however, did Sputnik report her correctly? Is the video made up? If not, then Ukraine is doing dangerous biological research.

@Krish55 There is NO good reason to accept the veracity/credibility/reliability of that source.

The burden of proof is not on me, but on the one(s) making the claim(s).

@FearlessFly I posted another source that posted the same video. It was Senate testimony!

@Krish55 I stumbled upon this comment of yours :
" Choose those which have professional validity"
"Socialism: A Primer -
Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...

YOUR choice to post sputniknews here (and/or elsewhere) does not qualify.

@FearlessFly I did not say to accept all the Sputnik articles. But we should know what the Russians are saying and be able to evaluate that.

@Krish55 "Choose those which have professional validity"


@FearlessFly Those are the ones that should be accepted. It doesn't mean that we don't look at the other ones.

@Krish55 . . . sounds like prevarication/equivocation. 😛
. . . apparently you don't say what you mean, mean what you say.

Nice words, but it's not.

When you do research, you have to look at everything on the topic. But you then pick out the best and most reliable to base your research paper on.

@Krish55 "you do research"
I don't get the impression that YOU use fact checkers -- CERTAINLY NOT in this case.
It is easy to get the impression that you choose the position, then look-for/find ANY source that fits your position in that moment -- confirmation bias.

You haven't even acknowledged the poor choice of source for this post !

@FearlessFly The source shows a video from the US senate.

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