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Madison Cawthorn Claims Republicans are also Involved in Washington Cocaine Orgies

Conspiracy theorist and right-wing congressman Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), has managed to anger even his most conservative Republican colleagues, after recently telling a podcast host that the “sexual perversion” in Washington is so rampant that even Republicans are involved. Cawthorn claims he gets invited to so-called “sexual get-togethers” at prominent politicians’ homes, which basically turn out to be orgies, with plenty of cocaine floating around for everyone’s use. Cawthorn joins other extreme right-wing professional media provocateurs like Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga), Lauren Boebert (Colo), and Matt Gaetz (Fla), who frequently promote the QAnon belief that Democratic leaders and Hollywood elites are running a transnational pedophile cabal, but including establishment Republicans as co-conspirators is taking this to a whole new level.

Gee, is it just me, or does it sound like Will Smith may have slapped the wrong guy? That said, in all fairness, I do have to admit this at least shows Republicans are finally becoming more inclusive, by making sure folks like Madison Cawthorn have proper wheelchair access to their cocaine orgies. Oh no! I may just throw up in my mouth. Why, I just imagined Ted Cruz, Ginni Thomas, Steve Bannon, Mike Liddell, Paul Gosar, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Susan Collins - all wrapped around each other in some big orgy pile.

Hey, wonder if these parties are strictly limited to US residents, because this sure sounds like something Prince Andrew might enjoy also? Anyway, after Rep. Cawthorn implied his fellow Republicans are also involved in these orgies, an angry House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca) is vowing to discipline Cawthorn for his betrayal. Now, the only question remaining to be answered is whether McCarthy’s “discipline” of Cawthorn will involve handcuffs, or a whip, or simply a good spanking from those two secessionist sisters - Greene and Boebert?

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 30
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This shit has been going on forever, all congress people are above the law until they do something against the party.


Who's having an orgy and didn't invite me?

Krish55 Level 8 Mar 30, 2022


bobwjr Level 10 Mar 30, 2022

So Kevin finally might have found someone to discipline on the repub side? 🤣🤣🤣

Who did anything wrong?

@dalefvictor Apparently Kevin has his line in the sand, and it’s exposing repubs and their Orgies and cocaine use. 🤣🤣🤣

@Redheadedgammy So what is he going to do about it?

@dalefvictor oh he will call Madison into his office and tell him he needs to think about the party and how those kinds of comments hurt the party. After all, it’s ALL about the party for Kevin.

Kevin has been fucking a rethuglicans wife long before Paul Ryan was speaker least the demonRATs murdered Epstein for being too obvious on the Lolita Island Air Express


Madison Cawthorn is as mentally twisted as Rudolph Giuliani's Cork Screw.


Poor Madison Cawthorn is jealous because he was never invited to any of those drug fueled orgies.

anglophone Level 9 Mar 30, 2022

I personally never felt the appeal of orgys, but can you imagine most congress people having group sex. These are people who can't move themselves to legalize cannabis!

Theresa_N Level 8 Mar 30, 2022

There is some Shakespeare line about it, but why is Lindsey Grahman so obsessed about a certain type of porn ? Guess it's just good sound bites.

@Michaeltaurus1 It is probably what he watches.

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