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Too many are quick to judge, to argue and condemn.

glennlab 10 Apr 20
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Every year the police in the USA make about 10 million arrests.

99.99% of the time they are able to arrest the suspect without killing the suspect.
00.01% of the time they kill the suspect they are trying to arrest.

That's true regardless of the race or religion of the person they are attempting to arrest.

It would be nice to get that 00.01% number down, but their success rate is currently 99.99%.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

Police have the right to defend themselves and the duty to defend others. Police also have authority over someone suspected of committing a crime. If they don’t comply the officer may use appropriate force to subdue suspected offender

Tejas Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

That doesn't change the fact that everyone that they kill was an innocent person by law.

@glennlab by that logic Hitler was innocent

@Tejas He was not subject to US law, so your argument is shit. Find someone that didn't commit suicide, that was executed by the police without trial, then use that argument. Extreme arguments are just bullshit ways to keep from having legitimate discourse.

@Tejas Glen is wrong. You didn't make an extreme argument. You made an idiotic argument! Rounding up people for eventual genocide is hardly any sort of legitimate police action.

@Krish55, @glennlab it's not an extreme argument if it follows the exact same logic. I would argue the original post is extreme. It's not my fault if you can't see the idiocy of the post.

@Tejas It is an extreme argument, because it specifically addresses US law and police shootings neither of which applied to Hitler.

OK since I have to spell it out for you, here goes.

A cop is legitimately entitled to engage in police action. But many abuse that by killing innocent people without reason.

A Nazi government, on the other hand, lacks legitimacy by its illegal seizing of power, as Hitler did in 1934. Furthermore, rounding up an ethnic population also lacks legitimacy.

To compare the two is simply idiotic.

@Krish55 okay since I have to spell it out for you. If a serial killer is actively trying to kill someone or a police officer, and the officer kills the criminal. By the logic of this post the officer just killed an innocent man.

@Tejas I was replying to your faulty comparison, not to the original post.

Furthermore, you know that's not the sort of police killings that people are protesting.

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