@ "... Karenicity Handbook..."
Karens In The Wild
I might be wrong, but l feel like these women are so unhappy with their own lives, they take it out on everyone else. By the way l had to block Mr Dumbass. At this time in my life it takes only one really stupid statement for me to block you. Besides l really don't want to hear from a self-proclaimed dumbass.
@SeaGreenEyez I'm disappointed l didn't get to read your response. I blocked him to quickly.
@SeaGreenEyez You go girl! Thank you for sharing.
Can only imagine how the dick with the fire would have reacted if a nearby neighbor started playing death metal at high volume on a backyard boom box, and then was tossed a pair of ear plugs after he complained. (Similar to what happened to me once).
Can only imagine how the commentator’s outrage would have shifted if the elderly woman knocked to the ground had been coloured.
Couldn’t help but notice how comfortable the commentator was with objectifying, belittling language by referring to “Karens” as a “species” and therefore of a lower order of human being, presumably. You would think that a coloured person fully aware of the history of dehumanizing, abusive language experienced by his own group would know better.
@SeaGreenEyez The episode had nothing to do with “white privilege”. Zero. Zilch. It was about an inconsiderate neighbour disregarding the feelings of a woman who had the audacity to complain about his polluting of the air she was breathing. Knocking her to the ground after she had the chutzpah to do something about it was the only shameless, disgusting and dangerous behaviour on view here.
Isn't there some kind of spray to get rid of these things?
@SeaGreenEyez "Be very nice to everybody you meet" Childs Garden of Grass 1970.
Makes you really, REALLY proud to be 'murican, dunnit? Fine example of BITCHES there...
Time to dial 911.....
Unfortunately, the Karens would not be the ones getting arrested/killed.
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