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LINK Record fundraising in Georgia governor’s race nears $170M

I actually donated to Abrams for her first run. I had never donated to someone I couldn't vote for previously.

And then she refused to concede. And I've felt salty towards her since. 😞

Trump's refusal to concede kept me going back to her. My moral compass isn't always reliable, but the hypocrisy of being unnerved by him, yet not by her, doesn't compute for me. #shrugs

(This is HUGE money. Something is going to have to be done about dark money/political bribes. The furtherance of this type of money will make it nearly impossible for any type of actual change for the better in America. Many good candidates, some great candidates will never have this type of funding, if they remain principled. #scary)

SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 2
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#scary indeed! These are some unnerving days we are living through.


Scary shit going on with the amount of money in politics. What happens when 1% own 90% of the world.

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