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LINK DEA extends telehealth prescriptions for controlled substances

For those here who utilize telehealth services or know those who do, or need to do so:

In January, 2020 (COVID 19) the USA government in tandum with the DEA, paused the Ryan Haight Act giving telehealth providers the legal right to prescribe medicine, including narcotics (Schedule II through V) without any in-person interactions.

This "liberty" was supposed to expire tomorrow.

In a stunning/unexpected decision, the DEA has
extended the pause through November 11, 2023.

If you are being treated by a legally licensed to prescribe clinician, on or before November 11, you'll be extended this option through 2024.

This is especially and primarily done for the influx of mental health issues since the COVID shutdown. People in need of mental health care, but are unable to access such in their local area (or the wait lists are months or years away) are encouraged to seek treatment during this extension to secure future/ongoing treatment, via telehealth services.

This does include opioid replacement drugs, ADHD medications, anxiety medications, etc.

So, either the DEA needs some more reasons to do more no-knock raids, or someone is realizing there's a serious lack of mental health care available to the vast marjority of Americans. #shrugs

A little good news. Wow! It feels so foreign. 🤪

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 10
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Our world is confusing but I do not think I am in favor of no knock raids.

DenoPenno Level 9 May 11, 2023

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