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31 Surefire Ways To Make Me Lose Interest In Your Thoughts About The World

Every day I interact with all sorts of people from all around the world and all across the political spectrum, and I learn a lot from those conversations. Over the years, though, I have learned that there are many people who just aren’t going to have anything worthwhile to say, because their worldviews are too clouded with confusion and bullshit for them to offer a lucid perspective on much of anything.

There are signs I look for to show me whether someone is not worth the time and energy it would take to interact with them, which allows me to use that time and energy more productively. Here they are in no particular order.


Some make it easier than others. Addressing those who are new to me have become easier to place in a category. Where I once wasted time on attempting to debate with others, even after they became aberrant, I now recognize these people as though they are to far gone to waste my time on. And more likely didn't use the means towards a conclusion discovery or don't have the intellect to do so, and will not. They suffocate in developed indoctrination. I was suffocating myself in futile hope. I see the same symptoms in the NFL sports groups comments I participate in on facehack. Although highly relative to the political arena, that's another story.

Anyways, that is one of which I would add to her list. When someone becomes aberrant, the going history is that the chaos extends into their thought process also. It's simply a symptom that comes within a narcissistic like behavior within an automatic abruptness. It becomes a character trait as though it's embedded in the DNA. It comes in various levels, but the results are almost always the same. A person has to know their limits. Or be dragged down to the same same level as the madness they're facing.

William_Mary 8 Jan 12
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You know, what the big problem is was succinctly stated in that great work of mostly fiction thousands of years ago: with old age comes wisdom. The more knowledge, the more grief.


It’s mutual. I have no interest in Caitlin Johnstone, so it cancels out.

Scott321 Level 7 Jan 12, 2025

I also think there is a real generation gap here. I was in the army late 80's, born '67, so remember the USSR and subsequent dissolvement of the Warsaw Pact very clearly, the end of the cold war. I recall what life was like very clearly. Those born post 1991 have no idea.
The same can be said about prior to 11/ 9 (11th of Sept) 2001 very clearly and how the world changed with the Patriot Act and war on terror. Those born after this have no idea.
So a new normal was achieved post fall of the USSR and again after the Sept 11 attacks. But this new normal is not normal at all really eg I consider normal life as it was in the 70's where we had far greater freedoms than we do now, but the younger generation has no idea of what these freedoms were like.
Am I the only one who remembers those times? Sometimes it seems like it. Many of my human peers seem to have the memory of a goldfish.

puff Level 8 Jan 12, 2025

When I staffed Elect Bernie headquarters, the young people would come in and I tried to tell them about how my Mom stayed home with us 4 kids while dad worked as a milk deliveryman and on the family farm.
And how we All expected to go to affordable college and own our own homes. And so on, and how Bernie wants us to try to get back there.
And no doubt I scared the bejeebus outta them, the crazy lady blabbing on about weirdness.
I felt so sad for them, and still do.

@annewimsey500 just look at basic society rules eg road laws. back in the day giveway and stop signs, roundabouts and perhaps traffic lights at busy intersections. Now every street is covered with "keep left/ right", "slow down", "beware this or that" etc and the added bonus of speed radars/ camera's.
A far more complicated set of rules youth need absorb just to utilize roadways.

I do often wonder if every generation thinks this. But then you have to conclude a big "NO". It is only the last few generations that have witnessed rapid technological change like our generations.

I am so glad my first teacher was a full on hippie; art and music is all we did, 1971. Using Bunsen burners at the age of four to melt powder to make pretty copper medallions i still remember (born Feb, I started school early, Australian long summer break). Walking to the bus stop with my brother.
In many parts of Australia now they won't let kids walk to school without adult supervision. Let alone letting 4/ 5 year olds anywhere near a Bunsen burner.

@puff my grandfather born Northern England 1860 died in the early 1950's but imo lived through far greater rudimentary changes to human life - trains, automobiles & planes replacing horse & cart. Radio, TV & telephone replacing snail mail & private courier. Ignorance on the three "R" s, medicine, law, hygiene being replaced by general education.

Since his time the only major rudimentary changes have been the exponential growth in the size of humanity, speed of information dissemination, revelation & extent of government & industry mendacity, destruction of basic humanitarian principles of pride in achievement, honesty, co-operation for the benefit of all to be replaced by increasing degrees & extent of #stupidity.

@FrayedBear I agree. By few generations I meant since the industrial revolution mainly. I'm sure some indigenous cultures could put up a good argument it was prior to that for them.
Then of course some generations saw great change through de-evolution too after catastrophic events.
So in conclusion, I'm dribbling shit 😀

@puff I suspect that every generation thinks that theirs saw the greatest changes.


Noam Chomsky had a few interesting words on football and other sports games.

PaddyO Level 7 Jan 12, 2025

I had a dog once.......................


i have my own theories on narcissi people and believe it all comes down to one cause, a lack of empathy.
their memories are shit due to them not tying emotions to memory eg not as strong.
Things are never their fault. Hindsight and foresight totally lacking except for big, vague objectives.

So I believe there are many in this world stuck living in the moment. The modern worlds 24 hr news cycle and instant gratification online has destroyed deep thought. People don't know what boredom is now, having time to yourself where you can think deeply and ponder. They just slip into playing Angry birds or whatever the latest fad is. Why read a book when instant gratification is available instantly online.
They also succumb to repetitive messaging and are beholden to their particular group thus their doctrine.

They may be smart people, but without any foresight nor hindsight due to shit memories, they are easily swayed by their own group and societal peers in the moment.

I wonder why Caitland still resides in the states as that nation seems full of what she rails about.
when the debate becomes personal, you know you have won.

puff Level 8 Jan 12, 2025
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