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Are Liberals Progressive? []

Krish55 8 June 24
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I grew up in Europe (Spain), where the term 'liberal' is understood as being centrist and pro-capitalism. You can be either a 'liberal conservative' if you lean slightly right, or a 'leftish liberal' if you agree with some socialist principles.
Here in the US, 'liberal' has a different connotation and it's often meant as 'leftist'. Something similar occurs with the term 'libertarian', which outside the US means 'anarquist'.
So, can one be a progressive democrat? I think yes, our political ideas don't need to be constrained within a rigid frame.

Hipatia Level 4 July 18, 2018

In a U.S context 'Liberal' is usually indicative of someone who is socially libertarian and fiscally centrist. Given the policies other industrialized nations, this is a less and less progressive ideology.

Dar99gold Level 3 June 29, 2018

I think your definition of liberals and ours in the U.K are diffreent I don't know how but I think they are so anyone who can enlighten me please do!

jacpod Level 8 June 25, 2018

UK liberals are more the classic 18th C. economic liberals wanting less govt control. US liberals are more the modern def. of liberals seeing government as empowering the weak against racist communities or capitalist behemoths.



kmdskit3 Level 8 June 25, 2018

no...liberals still have themselves on the front of their minds. progressives have everyone's benefit on the fore front of their minds.

MissaDixon Level 7 June 25, 2018

@LetzGetReal sure

Liberals - vote with their love of money
Progressives - vote with their love of a better world

@LetzGetReal I've started to meet young people who have no idea what a utopia is....think the last 40 years, how would the above concept is what I've found works best for those under 40,


Less & Less these days.

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