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After Helsinki, Democrats incite "deep state" action against Trump.

Ian-Duggan 7 July 17
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Someone has to present the polar opposite of Fox news.

And CNN and MBC for that matter


And the pigs just keep on flying.
Some very real observations and generalisations however about U.S. prior crimes.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 18, 2018

The far left is as idiotic as the right.

Secretguy Level 7 July 17, 2018

I think thats true however there are many degrees of right and left and the loony right to my mind is harder to deal with than the loony left.

First off, the "far left" in this country would be the moderate left anywhere else, in what is essentially the centrist, statist Democratic party. Second, being moderate, it's not nearly as idiotic as the far right (which is really the far right, militarism, bigotry and all) on the Republican side.


that right thar is sum funny stuff....wooo doggy

Darthpug Level 7 July 17, 2018

Friend, the totality of the news, Fox and MSM, Trump and Putin, is all being played out according to a script written by the Deep State. It really is all fake news, on all sides. It's soma; just relax, it'll all be ok, it doesn't matter and there's nothing you can do about it anyway.

racocn8 Level 9 July 17, 2018
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