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For Americans, this is our president. For non Americans, this is what we are dealing with. For Americans living abroad..... you lucky biatches.

coralisthree 8 Aug 20
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The lunatics have always been in charge of the asylum, but it is only now becoming more and more apparent.

rcandlish Level 7 Sep 7, 2018

As a Canadian I both pity you and think you got what you deserve.

@MissKathleen All the bloody time, Americans are constantly criticizing other countries government and how they operate or even directly interfering. As for you freedom of speech it is a illusion. Your freedom to starve and die on the street from preventable illness is however not.

@MissKathleen Does not your government serve and express the will of your people. And you are kidding me aren't you? Have you not ever been on the internet? Half to negative comments on the various platforms, about our NDP(democratic socialist) government in my province originate from across the line.

@MissKathleen That was a rhetorical question, by the way. For most Americans living in t˙ere own little bubble may be enough but when it comes to the actions of the government here they seem to decide to pop up and attack. I can and do trace people who make comment often really obnoxious comments at that back to where they come from. For example; you would be shock by how many people in Utah hate our premier, same for North Dakota. Neither of these states are even a haven for Canadian snowbirds so, I don't believe you.

Whom do you mean by "you" in your "got what you deserve" comment? I just want to be clear. Is that a collective "you" for all Americans? If so, well fuck you, too! ...But you individually. Because I certainly don't mean to blame all Canadians.
The U.S. is incredibly polarized at this point in our history, and it is deeply frustrating and alarming.
Even when someone thoughtful like Obama occupies the White House, actually getting constructive shit done is like pulling teeth with all the gridlock in Congress.

I certainly Believe you about rude, ignorant, and judgmental comments coming from some Americans, but mostly that is a small minority. Most Americans don't even hear enough info about any other countries to form particular opinions for more than a passing moment. I hear lots of judgments from all over about the U.S., and it isn't surprising. Big economic and military powers tend to draw the most attention, for good or bad.

But believe it or not, there are many thoughtful, progressive-minded Americans, at least a significant minority, yet we are saddled with a governmental system we inherited but didn't ask for, despite heavy indoctrination to try to make us think it's the greatest thing on Earth. I believe it has been warped by the outgrowth of our Puritan cultural heritage. Power tends to produce a certain arrogance, but it isn't universally absorbed by all countrymen, and not to equal degrees when it is. It really sucks. I know I am biased, but I don't much like hearing that "I" am to blame for the fucked up state of things. I was just born here, and I do what I can to try to shed a smidge of enlightenment. But fuuuuck! It's frustrating, and many millions of Americans feel similarly.

@MikeInBatonRouge The you is a collective one I realize that many Americans are progressive thinkers and that you does as I said, deserve my pity, but to those that refused to vote because you didn't like Hillary, were too apathetic to or vote for the orange turd, yes you did get what you deserve. That same collective you has also fought socialist ideas tooth and nail for decades instead choosing the idea of rugged individualism and capitalism that has led you nation to the disaster it has now. What is even worse is that through force your nation has spread its idiocy around the world. Spending 10 times as much as the next 10 nations on your military that's sole purpose is to protect the wealth of the few, has left almost nothing for what will soon be the majority of "your" people. The chickens are coming home to roast and I have real doubts that the rational people have any chance of fixing things in a nation that glorifies celebrity, and extreme wealth beneath the shadow of a religious culture.

@HeathenFarmer I agree with most of your assessments I have read so far...make that virtually all. My gripe is with the casual use of the collective "You." I get why MissKathleen may have felt triggered by your reply, though I don't make all the claims she did. But saying "Americans" or "the American voters" would have felt a bit less personal than "you." What you wrote is basically equivalent to religious notions of collective guilt. You don't seem to acknowledge with those words that 2.9 million voters MORE voted for Clinton than for Trump. And yet here we are. Yes, I am pissed at the Bernie or busters who stayed home rather than heed their own candidate's plea for them to vote Democrat. But when talking about it, I at least acknowledge that was not reflective of all Bernie primary voters, let alone all progressives. To lump all Americans into one pot verbally is to ignore the deep splits in our public. (And of course, I have heard many Americans do the equivalent "lumping together" of other nationalities. I still don't agree or approve.)


I feel like I need to put a bag on my head whenever I meet someone from another country.

Me too! Ifeel like I have to apologize, "nice to meet you, I'm Coral. Yes I'm American and I'm so sorry." "No no no we don't all think like that!"


This little speech isn't even unusual for him. He rambles. He free-associates garbage, and then to top it off, he'll brag about his speech having gone "really really tremendously great." When you combine profound ignorance, with a gut level instinct for conning people and throw in heaping doses of racist, sexist, xenophobic bigotry, and what do you have???? The president of the United States!! (Sigh)

Oh, I forgot to add a monumentally huge (or should I say Yuge!) narcissist's ego.



Wurlitzer Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

Again, what can anyone say about a speech like this? Incoherent, appalling and just insane!

GreatNani Level 8 Aug 20, 2018
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