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FDR's Unfinished Work

Krish55 8 Aug 23
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I'm sorry, my eyes glazed over about halfway through reading this article, because I didn't see a single new idea or insight. (Maybe he saved those for the end of the article?) It is lovely to declare that we must have guarantees of basic economic securities for all (I support that), but the author's prescription for overcoming the existing entrenched power structure to make it happen seems awfully vague, bordering on non-existent, (But then my eyes WERE glazed over, as I said).

I love how an academic can talk at length of the problems of the proletariat class being left out of the policy-making decision process, and yet discuss it in a way so full of obtuse academic jargon as to instantly exclude most busy worker/ non-ivory-tower types from being able to be a part of the discussion. I am not impressed.


Could someone just tell the economists how irrelevant they are?


The distiguished MIT professor pinched this 2 nations in 1 from Benjamin Disraeli.

Yes. Very much so and the rich are making all the decisions. It's a powder keg situation, really.

@OpposingOpposum and they supply the professors

@OpposingOpposum I always think about how the French Revolution occurred when that divide became too great.

@LB67 For this to occur again some law enforcement slaves: cops soldiers, secret agents and other vigilante, must find themselves on the wrong side of the the great divide. So leaders always employ slaves who are not too smart and willing enough to do just anything to defend the order of the dominant classes..

@PontifexMarximus the professors? I disagree, I think the lower and middle class are fairly well represented in academia.

@PontifexMarximus I think the elite are looking to a future where technology replaces their reliance on those slaves to protect their interests. At that point, most of the rest of humanity will be useless/unnecessary to them. That will be an interesting time, that I really hope not to be around to experience.

@OpposingOpposum middle class yes, lower class no ... At least not proportionate to the demographics ... Upper class people hire professors

@LB67 I have the same gut feeling. The rate at which tech, specifically AI, is advancing without conversation it regulation is a little worrisome to me, to that end.

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