7 8

I need to vent. I posted a link on Facebook about how $15 is still not enough to get housing. A conservative friend of mine responded that these jobs are for teenagers and if you want a better paying job you have to get an education. I answered her that if you work you deserve to get paid, and an education is not available to everyone.

Then another friend who is now going to school (because someone is helping her) said school is available for everyone. This woman cleans rooms in a hospital and complains that people don’t appreciate how important she is. I just told her that people who do these low-skilled jobs create wealth for their employers and are doing a job that’s needed, so they should be able to afford housing. I cited Jeff Bezos and his stinginess as an example.

Well the first friend, ignoring what I said, posted this” :Angie Hill very well explained. Many people find themselves in tough situations, but that's just life. There are many programs available out there to help people in need: Food pantries and food stamps, Medicaid, LIHEAP, Section 8 housing, job search and computer training, apprenticeships, etc. Bottom line I believe, tho, is pay commensurate with the requirements of the job. If you want a better paying job, then you have to find a way to make that happen.”

Pisses me the hell off. I admit I was rude to her in my first response because I’ve had this conversation with her before and nothing I say gets through to her, so I told her she has a “shitty attitude”. But to this post, I will not respond because it’s pointless. But I have to vent. I vented on Twitter but my followers hardly ever respond to me.

altschmerz 9 Nov 6
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Isn't capitalism great?

@Closeted It is what capitalism eventual does ever time.


As working stiffs like me prove engineers wrong over and over again: it IS possible to fuck yourself.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

The mathematics behind the benefits of a living wage are beyond the comprehension of most people. They are of a mind that if you double minimum wage, prices will also double and wipe out any gain. They also say that minimum wage earners should not earn $15 because that's what EMTs make now. They don't get that EMTs are underpaid. And why don't we ever have a discussion about maximum wage?


I have a Masters in Education, but my final paid job (left in 2012) paid $11/hour - the same as I got before completing my teaching certification coursework. Didn’t go into teaching to get rich (duh) but I thought I’d at least be able to eat and pay rent. Sigh.

Justjoni Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

I feel your anger, had a similar discussion with a member here. They refuse to hear the facts about how corporations are making slaves of Americans by paying them slave wages. And they are buying politicians to get their way. It isn't fair, it isn't ethical, and it is killing people. All who vote for removing funds from Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, and/or murder.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

@Closeted I'm a pacifist. I don't wish a bullet in the head, maybe an aneurysm.


Dump them..easy.

Charlene Level 9 Nov 6, 2018

Anyone who's ever watched Undercover Boss is aware that most people who run these huge companies aren't qualified to do any actual work.

Getting an education only works when there are jobs available.

PhoebeCat Level 7 Nov 6, 2018
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