8 3

Does anybody really still think that accusations of treason against the President are ridiculous hyperbole? They shouldn't after reading this report?
[] p-went-extraordinary-lengths-conceal-putin-chat-details

Sorry, no matter what I tried, I could not get the link to work, but check out the Rachel Maddow site where the article came from. ?

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Jan 14
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After watching her this evening list all the things that Trump has done at Putin's bidding she then mentioned the shut-down and left a question-mark, at least that's how I perceived it. Is the shut-down also at Putin's bidding?

gearl Level 8 Jan 23, 2019

That's a good question. I don't think she tries to answer that, but is musing on it. I can imagine Trump thinking he is doing things for his own aims and yet being manipulated masterfully by Putin, who is clearly much more devious and skillful than the blustering crude conman Trump.


Nobody is going to charge Trump with treason regardless of the truth of it, the 1% will not let it happen.


Ohh you mean where Trump told the tranalators, not to write down what was said??

vnufall Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

Yeah, just for starters.


Treason is specifically defined because the British were claiming it when the sun came out. The founding fathers wanted to prevent its over use. The conditions for treason are not met because we aren't at war.

dokala Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

But aren't we at war? I say, arguably, the Russians are very much waging war on us without declaring it. And all we seem capable of doing in response is to wag our finger at Putin. He very much means to destabilize our democracy, and he has had significant success already....and is by no means done yet.

Once Congress declares war, then I'd say treason fits. Loops holes, though.

@dokala splitting hairs. ...and Viet Nam was never a war. ?

I'm not splitting hairs. The law is specific. Be glad Vietnam wasn't declared a war because many of the wrong people would have been charged and found guilty of treason. Think treason for thee, not for me type of scenario.


Treason relief? Impeach the Motherfucker!

Charlene Level 9 Jan 14, 2019


That seems to work.

It does..and thanks..

It does, indeed, and thanks! That's the article.


bad link
doesnt matter......get the fucking liar out of there

lookinhard Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

bad link

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