Luuuuuuuv George C! But oh my godlessness! These conspiracy theories are too much. Whoever supposedly rigged his demise sure screwed up by letting him live so long, pretty much his expected full lifespan, given his known health problems. Try reading some articles on the psychology behind why conspiracy theories appeal to people.
If you look in to the details of his can see a lot of neglect - nothing provably willful...but he died prematurely, and the powers that be let it happen.
Alex Jones is a nutcase. Anyone who believes he has told any truth is insane.
@Redheadedgammy How did you bring Alex Jones in to this? Did you click on the link I posted? No Jones in those comments.
@Robecology Yes, in the article the guy mentions Alex Jones and David Icke as brave individuals. "Don't let David Icke, Alex Jones and other brave individuals try to stop the emerging fascist state alone". Alex Jones is a nutcase period.
dunno if there any truth of that. but I don't trust government I don't trust hospitals I don't trust pretty much anything lol
@commie1776 I never suggested he was intentionally killed, or "murdered" as you put's very easy to let a person with a heart attack die...just stall on giving certain meds, or attention.
I miss his wit so much. He was Always worth listening to.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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