10 9

Nathan Robinson over at The Guardian wrote an interesting article that provides a little perspective into how Bernie can be the perfect weapon against Trump. I personally think either Kamala/Bernie or vice versa. From what we've seen of Veeps like Biden and Pence, they really are just seat warmers. And I'd rather have Bernie serve a term and retire gracefully knowing that there's no centrist or conservative endangering the country any longer (his watch has ended scenario). Having Harris on his team will be important in winning both women and black voters. It's a simple strategy that should be forming within the party, since Bernie is already moving the needle with donations and straw polls (by an overwhelming majority over the past 24 hours alone). Like it or not, I'm predicting Bernie will be President.


aspiringunicorn 6 Feb 20
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As of today (1/20/19) there re a dozen declared candidates and another two-dozen thinking about running for president. It is too early to make a solid choice.

It should not matter who wins the Democratic primaries, vote Blue is the only way to rid the US of Trump.

SageDave Level 7 Feb 20, 2019

Something that I overlooked that will aid Bernie as well: no superdelagates this time. Superdelagates ganged up on him in 2016. It won't happen now. I feel confident that if Bernie wins, the Democratic Party will be as far left as I've seen it in my lifetime.


I hope your right. I've been following Bernie Sanders since 2008. He has not changed his tune since . He is the most authentic candidate I have seen.

boisebob62 Level 4 Feb 20, 2019

Absolutely true

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 20, 2019

I concur; Kamala would make a good VP...articulate and sharp (I think she scored the best "hit" on the Kavanaugh investigation)....she would compliment him well.

And don't count Bernie out if he makes it to a second term. He'll be a "youthful, very fit" 81...with decades of life and wisdom left....

Robecology Level 9 Feb 20, 2019

I hope so..11/9 is a long way off..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 20, 2019

The old saying goes, vote with your heart in the primary and with your brain in the regular election - be pragmatic and don't stay home or throw away your vote and let a despot win. This ain't no parliament.

"Throwing away your vote" is a myth created by people trying to maintain a two party system in the United States. And look know well it works. The two current parties work together to lock out other parties from participating in the debates by imposing a 15% barrier, when that single debate could change everything.

Both parties know this. It's an interesting situation.



Time will tell....


Let's hope so.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Feb 20, 2019

Does God help us?

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 20, 2019
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