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E.V.'s. Electric Vehicles. You've seen them. You know a little about them. Did you know that they have 90% fewer moving parts than a comparable gasoline car? They are....the future.

Robecology 9 Mar 3
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More like back to the future . Electric cars are not actually anything new , remarkably enough . []. My father is an old car enthusiast , and I have gone on vacation with him to the Henry Ford Museum \ Greenfield Village , where I have seen such automobiles first hand .

Marmion Level 6 Mar 11, 2019

Point taken!

If they had invented smarter batteries a few decades ago....we'd have a lot less global warming/climate shift.

The key to the EV explosion was the big jump in battery technology. We're now on the horizon of yet another battery change to a non-liquid, solid state battery that won't even require cooling, and can be smaller and charge faster.



EVs while an amazing technology are not 100% yet for all climates. I am excited for them to continue to improve, particularly the battery technology. But they don't work particularly well in my country yet. They hate the cold climate and until the distance between places can be an issue as well for them. A massive amount of infrastructure is still needed to close the gaps.
That being said it will be interesting to get to the point they are practical everywhere.


Also China is pumping tons of money into them. There's a line being introduced on the West Coast this coming year..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 3, 2019

I saw that on 60 minutes...the Nio. Cool very young CEO....the only drawback I see is the much lower range (220 miles vs 335 in Tesla) and no Supercharging available.

@Robecology no charging stations ..yet..

@Charlene I predict he'll adopt the Connector Musk uses...then pay Musk permission to use the S.C. system.


This was from 2010? He said 50% by 2016. They're only getting better, exponentially.

Electro68 Level 7 Mar 3, 2019
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