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Corporatism at it's best..

Charlene 9 Mar 20
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Scandinavia! Scandinavia is the Left. There is no Left left in,the U.S. ?


Who is on the left then? Somebody has to be on the left if Fox News is extreme right.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 21, 2019

Perfect timing for this meme. I was screaming at my TV this AM getting ready for work, and watching MSNBC. The corporate line there now is that AOC and other "extremists" are going to get Trump elected. The nerve of these bastards after their corporate paid for moderate lost to that Buffon. And corporate Democrats now giving lip service to single payer and more aggressive stands on dealing with climate change and the growing income disparity, after disparaging Bernie for it in 2016. They are giving lip service because they know it's popular, but one can't represent the citizenry when they are bought and paid for by corporations....Now I'm rambling but I was so discouraged this morning. I used to think MSNBC was my friend..... Betrayed

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 21, 2019

MSNBC went corporate years ago..even Maddow is now a shill to her owners..


so true the young turks do pretty well


Humm - well who does represent a liberal point of view in your estimation?

ArthurK Level 6 Mar 20, 2019

The fact is their repping the corporate needs more than presenting the news..rember Walter Cronkite? Or David Brinkley?..they reported news..not the pablum of today's "journalist"

@Looking4-Others I love secular talk, he so serious. stuff he says is true and sickening. I still lmao just way he says it. maybe the best of the best right there!

@Looking4-Others I would add Kyle Kulinski

@Looking4-Others oops. Oh yeah


They may not be the left but they are what we got left! The GOP has gone so far to the right that they pulled the opposition that way and this is the result.

They're trying to bring back the FDR dream and Eishower tax rates...simple


Is it a case of who is a classic liberal and who is an extreme leftie?

brentan Level 8 Mar 20, 2019

If You mean an extreme "leftie" like FDR or Eisenhower then yes.

I mean the sort that will hit you on the head with their placard.

@brentan if you're not a Nazi or White Supremacist you got Nothing to worry about.

With all due respect, Charlene, I don't think that's the point.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 20, 2019
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