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Some days I think the world is going crazy!
Christian rightwingers warn abortion fight could spark US civil war

MojoDave 9 May 27
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Ditto what dan325 said.

Heathenman Level 7 May 27, 2019

They lost the last Civil War, and the majority of the people in the US are in favor of keeping abortion legal. What makes them think that they can pull it off this time.

thexter Level 6 May 27, 2019

These ignorant bible thumpers will get a war somehow.

I can't see it happening. Most people have better sense.


One can only hope..only this time we utterly Crush them...

Charlene Level 9 May 27, 2019

Some telling diatribes: "...because you have half that want to follow the Lord and righteousness and half that don’t,..." and "This year the Christian televangelist Rick Joyner has, on his ministry’s website and other Christian right outlets, been offering detailed descriptions of a civil war he believes to be coming on the basis of his own prophetic (dream)...."
We all know these hypocritical "pro-life" groups are arming themselves like crazy and now they are pushing for a civil war. Almost every state has a progressive/conservative split and advocate breaking into separate states. This has been the norm for a looong time and won't change. When Pakistan broke from India there was a huge amount of violence due to the simple fact there were Moslems and Hindus living together. There are liberals and Conservatives living cheek to jowl in all parts of the country. Study after study has shown that the majority of Americans favor abortion rights and this issue is purely a fundamentalist religious one and is a way they seek to try and heal the increase of nones and decrease of the religiously affiliated.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 27, 2019

Nasty Assholes running scared

bobwjr Level 10 May 27, 2019

Saw a doc. on PBS about Eva Moses, a twin, that Dr. Mengele experimented on, and what she had to endure, and she said if we do not watch out, it will begin again.
That woman refused to let it be forgotten and was crucified for it her entire life, but she never stopped telling people the horror of it.
I have been thinking for the last 4 years that we are in a bit of a civil war, but how civil, another war, that word WAR we need to stop using it for everything single thing

but having read the Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire, no civilizations last forever, and it seems to me, we have been in a great decline.

also looks a lot like 1938 to me. something evil this way comes, no doubt.

we cannot be silent about it, we need to be screaming at the top of our lungs, STOP IT WE WILL NOT BE SILENT ABOUT THIS!!

it is not like it has not been predicted, and they so want it to happen, so we can all go to HEAVEN!! that is what they want, if we destroy this world then some of them are HEAVEN BOUND!! AND THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT BUT NOT ALL OF US GET TO GO!!

aahouck49 Level 7 May 27, 2019

I posted a laugh/funny emoji....sorry...hard to take seriously.

Sad for the push to the right...but we all knew it was coming...

Robecology Level 9 May 27, 2019

@sweetcharlotte Totally agree. I'm ashamed and saddened with the men (and women) who tolerated these legislative actions. I hope it inspires others to action.

@sweetcharlotte If you read the article, you see that it's the macho men who want to fight for the right to continue to control women that I'm laughing about; they're beyond sick, naive, and out-of-touch to the point of being funny.

@sweetcharlotte yes, exactly. Ice stood this ground all my life. My ex came into our marriage anti abortion and it wasn't a discussion I enjoyed - one area she actually changed on; she turned Jimmy Carterish and is now quite vocal (JC - I wouldn't do it, but not my right to tell others). I had an evangelical accuse me of wanting to kill his grandkids after saying something about keeping their f'ing hands off of my daughter. (I did so want to respond that the youngest children are the most tender for cooking(


I think the World is and has been crazy for a long time, the common delusion of god took it all down the path of no return.

joe1334us Level 7 May 27, 2019

I don't think the dictatorial government will give up power voluntarily. tRump and the repuglicans will not willingly give up.

Theresa_N Level 8 May 27, 2019
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