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Is Socrates right about Democracy?

Socrates the classical Greek philosopher and one of the founders of western philosophy, didn't like Democracy, he was saying that voting in an election is a skill, not a random intuition. like any skill, it needs to be taught systematically to people.
Socrates compared a society to a ship, and he said If you were heading out on a journey by sea, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring?

NR92 6 July 8
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Socrates is one of my few genuine heroes, but I'm stunned by the coffee-table chocolate-box quality of the statue. Even the chin-in-hand "thinking" pose is laughable -- not to mention the flowing robes where his rags should be, and the torso of a Greek god with X-Man muscular definition in bulk. If he had all that time and inclination to work out at the gym, how did he ever formulate all those brilliant ideas on society?

Garbonza Level 6 July 10, 2019

Democracy is a nice idea, however, " it does not matter which party is elected to office because the representation of vested interests, that is, the people with money and the banks ensures that the vast majority of the electorate get screwed. " Arnold Arnold.

With regard to the ships of state some may be regarded as rudderless.

ASTRALMAX Level 8 July 8, 2019

Greek "democracies" weren't democratic. The majority were slaves. Moreover, Socrates ignores that supposedly enlightened leaders looked out for their own class interests, like our "democratic" leaders today.

Krish55 Level 8 July 8, 2019

That's Human Nature in motion I've always will be regardless of the government system.


This in a nutshell is why the right opposes education funding and wants school "choice." An informed populace is their worst nightmare. Not much to worry about here in the US in the land of Fox News and Wal-Mart.

Mitch07102 Level 8 July 8, 2019

Unfortunately some people cannot be educated. Another reason, the right opposes sex education and free contraception. They want a large underclass to work for them and do their bidding


Seafaring and democracy analogy is not correct.

Democracy is a set of institutions and rules. Anybody new must work within those rules.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 8, 2019

@Bobby9 There are still rules. And no, those cannot be changed easily. Democracy makes it difficult.

@Bobby9 We have been trying to change immigration laws for 50 years and we have not been able to, we have been trying to give universal healthcare but are not even close. No, in a true democracy it is not easy for all to agree on high sensitive and impacting issue. In a dictatorship and, autocracy it is very easy. A good democracy is designed in a way that it makes it difficult t make change easily. They must be thoughtful, with vigorous debates and there are mechanisms to intentionally make it difficult.

@Bobby9 Federal Govt does not make laws.

@Bobby9 I live in the U.S. and went to law school. The legislative branch makes laws. It is separate from the federal govt which is the executive branch.

You need to calm down and look in the mirror.

@Bobby9 You are right. I meant the executive branch. My point was because of the separation of powers among the executive branch, legislative branch and judiciary, it is not easy to make laws. There is a rigorous and often contentious debate to get anything passed. We rarely get majority in both houses. I do not think it is easy to make laws.


OK. We don't know how to steer a ship but we know when it's gone off course.

brentan Level 8 July 8, 2019

Close considering trump got elected so maybe more is needed

bobwjr Level 10 July 8, 2019
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